Nature, the physical manifestation of our consciousness/spirit, is an ever-unfolding and ever-renewing expression of our own inherent indomitable vitality. Nature has always been deeply important to me, which is why I choose to live where and how I do, in such close and direct contact with it. Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos, and your lovely thoughts! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙
Agree with you!
We can never say, do or even imagine anything that does not reflect nature in its most diverse manifestations.
I understand you so, because from an early age I also strove for a life such as it is now - in the arms of Nature and in cooperation with her!
Thank you for such a juicy and lively feedback!
Indeed, true! I'm grateful for the mutual understanding, and it's such a glorious way to live! Absolutely, you're so very welcome! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙