I kad misliš da je pretoplo, volja ipak pobedi!
- Sofija, idemo na breg da pravimo piknik?
- Da!
Spremile sm se za 5 minuta i krenule. Dan je obećavao dobar provod. 😍☀️
When you think it's too hot, the will still wins!
- Sofia, shall we go to the hill to have a picnic?
- Yes!
I got ready in 5 minutes and left. The day promised to be a good time. 😍☀️
Iako je bilo sparno ali ipak
oblačno, brzim koracima smo se penjale uz stepenice! Još uvek prkosim godinama...😉
Žuta trava ispod mojih stopala dokazuje da je ovo leto bilo jako toplo i suša je učinila svoje.
Although it was steamy, but still
cloudy, we climbed the stairs with quick steps! I'm still defying my age...😉
The yellow grass under my feet proves that this summer has been very hot and the drought has taken its toll.
Umesto zelenih žbunova, oko nas je bilo suvo lišće, kao da je stigla jesen. 🍂
Instead of green bushes, there were dry leaves around us, as if autumn had arrived. 🍂
Duge senke nagoveštavaju dolazak septembra...
Ok, popele smo se do vrha brda gde nas je čekala Crkva kao vojnik na straži.
Ćerka je uživala penjući se po zidu.
Long shadows indicate the arrival of September...
Ok, we climbed to the top of the hill where the Church was waiting for us like a soldier on guard.
The daughter enjoyed climbing the wall.
Sele smo na klupu i uživale u keksu i vodi...
We sat on a bench and enjoyed biscuits and water...
Nakon sat vremena odmora, odlučile smo da se vratimo drugim putem kojim sam zadnji put išla pre 30 godina.
Pre spuštanja niz brdo, uživale smo u jedinstvenom pogledu na vinograde.
After an hour's rest, we decided to return by another route that I had last taken 30 years ago.
Before going down the hill, we enjoyed a unique view of the vineyards.
Počele smo da se spuštamo stazama koje su bile dobro očuvane od korova. Verovatno se njima često prolazi...
We started to descend on paths that were well kept from weeds. They are probably often passed by...
Osim korisne šetnje na svežem vazduhu, bila je ovo prilika za druženje nas dve jer je bitno da roditelji posvete pažnju detetu.
Pozdrav svim Hajverima i laku noć!
Apart from a useful walk in the fresh air, this was an opportunity for the two of us to socialize because it is important for parents to pay attention to the child.
Greetings to all Haivers and good night!
Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.
Greetings from Anka vregolana!
Hope you had a wonderful time.😇
Yes, it is always beautiful in nature. Battery charger!
Thanks for visiting!
You are most welcome🤗
Oh da, ovo leto je bilo tako toplo, videla sam mnogo polja kukuruza da su svi bili kao "spaljeni" od sunca. Tako i lisce,ali super sto ste se tamo popelet, bas je lep pogled ;))
Jeste. Ako dodjes u Vršac, vodimo te tamo!
Raspust uvek tako brzo prodje, vec smo se vratili. Trebali bi da planiramo duzi ostanak jedne godine pa da obidjemo malo vise po Vojvodini. Nikad nisam bila u Vrscu