Lagartija De Cacería./ Hunting lizard.

in WE ARE MOVING4 years ago

Saludos amigos de la naturaleza, el día de hoy les compartiré las imágenes de una pequeña lagartija, que estaba en plena cacería de insectos, para alimentarse.

Greetings friends of nature, today I will share the images of a small lizard, which was hunting for insects, to feed.

Author: @ysmael20

Estaba en posición de cacería, camuflado conbla vegetación para atacar pór sorpresa a los insectos,que estaban en las flores de los matorrales.

He was in a hunting position, camouflaged with vegetation to attack insects, which were in the flowers of the bushes, by surprise.

Author: @ysmael20

Las lagartijas, nacen por medios de huevos que están en pequeñas cuevas que la madre busca de manera segura, para proteger de los depredadores.

The lizards are born by means of eggs that are in small caves that the mother looks for safely, to protect from predators.

Author: @ysmael20

Las lagartijas son de sangre fria ya que pasan un periodo de tiempo en el sol durante el dia, para poder moverse con rapidez y hacer sus funciones naturales en el día.
Estos ejemplares pueden vivir hasta ocho años, dependiendo de las condiciones y el sitio donde se encuentren y de la comida que puedan consumir y los depredadores que se encuentren en el área.

Lizards are cold-blooded as they spend a period of time in the sun during the day, in order to move quickly and perform their natural functions during the day. These specimens can live up to eight years, depending on the conditions and the place where they are and the food they can consume and the predators that are in the area.

Bueno amigos de HIVE, me despido por el día de hoy,nos vemos para la próxima entrega hasta luegoo.

Well friends of HIVE, I say goodbye for today, see you for the next installment see you later.


Ragion : Central plains of Venezuela. Author: @ysmael20

 4 years ago  

Es tan interensate! pero se despixela tanto porque? haces mucho zoom?

Greetings friend @oscurity what happens is that the camera of my smartphone is a little low and also another variation is that the lizard was very elusive and that made it a bit difficult to take the image, thanks for the comment.

 4 years ago  

Come to the discovery-it chat to talk something with you!

Send me the link please.

Su post ha sido valorado por @ramonycajal


Gracias por el apoyo y la valoración, gracias!

You did a very nice post, cute little lizard.

It's good that you like me, thank you for your support and comment.

You have done very good, your pictures of the lizard are very good, it made me smile. I like reptiles and he was very cute. 😊

I am very motivated by what you say, thank you very much!

Thank you, that is very sweet. 💜

Thanks to you.👏👏👏👏


Son buenas tomas, yo te recomendaría agregar un poco mas de imágenes, saludos y sigue con el buen trabajo!.
We appreciate your work and your post was manually curated by @none! from the DNA team!

Reach us on Discord to learn more about the project!

Hello @ysmael20!

Thank you very much for your comment and recommendations.