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RE: Oh, Just Another Tutorial

in NeedleWorkMonday2 years ago

I agree with the sentiment of this post. Adding personal touches and background information to tutorials and DIYs can make them more engaging and relatable for the reader. It helps to create a connection with the author and adds depth to the content. It's also important to consider the overall atmosphere and tone of the post, as this can also contribute to the reader's experience. Adding a personal touch can take a bit more time and effort, but it can ultimately make the content stand out and be more memorable for the reader.


I'm happy to hear you agree. 😉

and adds depth to the content

Very good way of putting it.

Yes, time and effort are worth it and have nice benefits when coming to the reader’s experience and the support gained from it.

I appreciate you reading and adding your energy to this comment section. Thank you ~

It's definitely true that investing time and effort into creating a positive experience for readers can pay off in terms of support and appreciation.

You're welcome 🙂