A rug: my biggest crochet ever / ラグを編み始めました

in NeedleWorkMonday5 years ago


As my daughter doesn't have her day care due to the coronavirus spread, I play more with her in the day time. I found it's comfortable to sit on floor, which I used to do in Japan more. It's like a natural stretching exercise.

I thought it's more comfortable on a rug ... Luckily I had a cotton T-shirt yarn I got from my friend, which I was wondering for what to use for few years. Now it's time to crochet it!

The yarn is too white so I'll dye it with Japanese fermented persimmon juice called Kakishibu. It's somewhere in my apartment .......... I must look for it ;) This page explains well about Kakishibu:


That's my Needlework Monday. I'm almost running out of materials for my needlework. I wish the corona pandemic is over and can go to see yarns and fabric soon.


ラグがあったらもっと座り心地がいいかなと思いつつ、ラグは埃やあれこれつくし、掃除の邪魔にもなるしなあ・・・でも小さくて洗えればいいかと、友人から産後のお祝いにもらったTシャツヤーンを引っ張り出して来て編み始めました。この強烈な白色をどうしてよいか迷っているうちに数年経っていたのです w


そんなこんなのNeedlework Mondayでした。針仕事の材料がもう手元にあまりないので、はやくコロナウィルスが収まって、お店が開いて買い物に自由に行ける日を待つばかりです。

Needlework Monday is initiated by @crosheille and @crystalize. Now it has its own account @needleworkmonday. Thank you to the team for hosting this wonderful & fun weekly tag!

針仕事の月曜日は@crosheilleさんと@crystalizeさんが始めた月曜日の針仕事コミュニティーです。和気藹々針仕事の話題で盛り上がります。英語の投稿にヘルプが必要でしたら discord などでお気軽に声をかけてください。


That will be a very soft rug, I look forward to seeing it after you finish dyeing it.

It'll be my first dyeing project 😁We'll see!

 5 years ago (edited) 

I am curious about the dye process, as I did not know the color and I have never used plant dyes (only food color which behaves like an acid dye) and I always thought cotton is hard to dye at home as it needs some aggressive chemicals... but I never really researched.
And I can understand your floor sitting very well. We have most parts of the apartment covered with rugs as I love to walk without shoes and I also often sit on the floor (or roll around or do strange things 😂)

(and photo shoots 😁) I understand it's comfy without shoes. I already often walk around my apartment without shoes and socks. Often my partner mentions Kalte Füße. Same to my daughter. I think we Japanese are more barefoot people .....

