I didn't do much needlework during stay home period except for sewing some masks.
Now I'm craving needlework ... then I started knitting a body wash towel while I was selling plants at a market. It's one of my old projects to knit body wash towels with linen. Scrubbing but not too rough and easy drying one with a natural material.
I'll finish it this week. I feel good to work with hands and needles after a while :)
Happy Needlework Monday!
随分編めたので、今週もう使い始められそうです :) 完全に満足のいく最終形になるといいな。
やっぱり針を持って手を動かすっていいですね。定期的に #NeedleworkMonday こと針仕事の月曜日に投稿しつつ、針仕事のペースを保ちたいと思いました。
I like your work and I admire it because I have a hard time doing it. I just like crochet.
Thanks @carolinacardoza. From my side I want to learn crochet more ;)
Good to have you back <3 And as alwas your colors look lovely, especially the dark red.
I'm happy to be back to Needlework Monday. I run out of the red yarn then I continued with the grey one ... It was a sample set of linen yarns 😅
I never used linen so far, only hemp and I found it quite rough (for crochet). Is it ok to work with?
The linen I bought is super fine. But I understand hemp is quite rough and tough. I had light pain on my fingers while I was crocheting a market basket with hemp .....
I today went to the market and bought tomato plants and I had to think of you <3
Mine are so small... If I would have known that we will rent a garden I would have started earlier with growing them, but at this rate they will have fruits in October (therefore I bought a tad bigger plants)
for the first time I see such a washcloth ... it's very interesting and unusual)
For us Japanese somehow it's common. Usually it's made from chemical fiber but I would like to make one with a natural material :)
自分の着るものや身近なものを手作りできる方はすごいな〜。毛糸はほどけばまた別のものが作れるのですごい技術ですよね。編み物の説明とギターコードは色々試してもなかなか理解できません。笑 練習あるのみですね…。
編み物で認識していただけるのうれしいです :) 下手の横好きですが、小さい頃に母や祖母と編んだのをヨーロッパで思い出してまた編み始めました。