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RE: (DE/EN) weißes Unterkleid und Regenrock/ White undergarment and rain skirt

in NeedleWorkMonday3 months ago

Your under dress is beautiful ! It is like something historical, far better than the mass produced clothing shops sell. Hand sewing may take longer than using a machine, but the end result always seems to end up special. 😀


thank you for your lovely comment! :)

the pattern of the dress is indeed old-fashioned. i wrote a very long post about the sewing technique and why people used to wear their clothes this way, as it has a very big energetic background. We no longer use gussets in today's fashion. And if you want to buy clothes like our ancestors wore, you can buy them mass-produced from machine. So it's just a semblance of the old and not at all like old technology and old sense.

it is also very important that we sew by hand again, because it is like meditation. we sew everything we think and feel into our piece. in this way we weave our destiny, which we carry with us every day in the form of clothing.

regards :)