Good afternoon friends, a few days ago, well a week ago I cut a bermuda short from a fabric that I had bought especially for that but that scared me a lot about sewing, now I'll tell you why, it turns out that when I took the sewing course one of the basic things they teach you is how to sew buttons, buttonholes, hand sew and glue skirt and pants zippers, something that I had not learned from the beginning although they had taught me in the course, so since these bermuda shorts had to have a zipper since the fabric does not stretch, I said that I was not going to do it well and I said to myself I don't know why it occurred to me to make bermuda shorts with a zipper why not make a normal one and that's it but no, I wanted to take this as a challenge as a new learning goal for this year to focus on sewing pants and skirt zippers a little better because although I had little knowledge I am not specialized but something I do know is that you can always learn to do something by practicing always and putting all your effort into it.
When you put effort into doing something that you can't do, I swear that in the end you manage to learn and with practice one becomes very specialized, I tell you this from my own experience so I wanted to take up doing this again this year and thus end up specializing in this facet of sewing which for me is a challenge and something that I must satisfactorily fulfill until I learn it, so today friends I will show you how I made these ladies' Bermuda shorts out of drill fabric to be at home, this type of fabric is somewhat thick so we will be using a number 16 needle to sew on our machine, I hope you like the result of how my experience was sewing Bermuda shorts for the first time 🤭😁, let's go with the materials and the step by step.
Materiales:// Materials:
- Tela de drill 1 metro usaremos
- Aguja y alfileres
- Hilo
- 1 botón
- 1 cierre
- Máquina de coser
- Tijeras
- We will use 1 meter of drill fabric
- Needle and pins
- Thread
- 1 button
- 1 zipper
- Sewing machine
- Scissors
Pasos a seguir://Steps to follow:

Paso 01
Step 01
As you know, the first step is to cut our pieces for the garment, so I will be cutting two pieces of the front Bermuda shorts here. I used an old pair of Bermuda shorts that I had as a reference to help me cut, then I cut two pieces of the back waistband and the two pieces of the closure with the four pieces of the pocket.
Paso 02
Step 02
As a second step we will be basting the pocket pieces to the front pieces, then the back pieces of the pockets and we will proceed to sew by machine then we will overlock the pocket part on the front piece.
Paso 03
Step 03
We will join the pocket piece with a pin so that it does not roll away, then we will join the back piece together and we will always sew along the edge, we will finish with a zigzag stitch so that we do not forget this and we will sew over the piece, then we will sew the closure on the right side.
Paso 04
Step 04
We fold one of the pieces of the zipper and sew it along the edges with a zig zag stitch and under the zipper that we sewed previously we sew it again forming a flap, then we sew the other flap of the zipper on the left side, turn it over and on the upper side above we will sew it again thus sealing our zipper, then it is time to join our Bermuda shorts below and on the sides of the pockets, always remember to place a pin to adjust.
Paso 05
Step 05
We will join our waistband at one end and seal it, and we will sew it along the entire edge of the shorts on the bottom side. Then, when we get to the end, we will seal the waistband again in the corner, turn it over and sew the waistband over with a straight seam.
Paso 06
Step 06
To finish our hem below the Bermuda shorts, we will sew the buttonhole and finally we will sew the button.
Resultado:// Result:

This is how you can see the work I finished, my friends. The truth is that it took me a long time to sew this, but in the end, when I realized that I had sewn it, I felt very satisfied to have finished these shorts. I really liked how they turned out and I hope you like them too. Thank you for getting to the end and I'll see you on another occasion next time. I wish you a happy afternoon.
Creating things with love 🌷❤️
🦋✨ All the images in this publication are my author ,📱taken with my TecnoSpark8C cell phone |📸Photos edited in PicsArt and Canva. Text translated in Google Translate.

such lovely and perfect shorts for casual outings like beaches, etc. nice work
Oh thank you very much, that's right, dear friend.
This is so beautiful what a great job
Thanks 😁
Que bueno saber que has podido superar el miedo.
Lo hiciste muy bien. se ve todo muy prolijo.
Asi es amiga...Nuevos retos para este año pero superandolos gracias a Dios, gracias por tu comentario y saber que te ha gustado, saludos 🥰😊🌸