Love those littles scarfs you made ! I was searching for some exactly like that few years ago... Maybe I should have started to knitting one :D Mmmh, this yak yarn must be incredible !
I'm so very tempted haha !
Love those littles scarfs you made ! I was searching for some exactly like that few years ago... Maybe I should have started to knitting one :D Mmmh, this yak yarn must be incredible !
I'm so very tempted haha !
Would you have time with your gardening? 😁
It's good for the winter when you want to cosy up - the scarf and the knitting!
Oh, we didn't start yet ! Not for real as the purchase is still ongoing :) But for June it should be good and we'll start to prepare the land for planting the trees in winter... But you're right, it's totally a winter task ^^ !
I wish you a good weekend 😘