Portavasos tejido en forma de flor🌹
Woven flower-shaped coaster🌹

Hello, greetings to the entire needleworkmonday community. I want to show you how I made a flower-shaped knitted coaster, using rag yarn that I made from pieces of peach skin fabric as material. This material is great for this type of crafts. I hope you like this idea!

Scissors, 3.5 knitting needle, red and green fabric for the rag strips.
Comencé con una cadena de 8 puntos,y cerré el en octavo punto formando un aro.Luego hice 20 puntos altos para hacer la base de la flor .
I started with a chain of 8 stitches, and closed the eighth stitch forming a ring. Then I made 20 double crochets to make the base of the flower.

then I made a chain of 6 stitches closing with a single crochet.

I made the flower petals with a double crochet, 6 double crochets and closing with a single crochet.

I made the sheet using a guide because I didn't remember that type of stitch.

This coaster is not only functional, but also adds a decorative touch to any table. I invite you to try this technique and experiment with different colors and materials. I loved working with the rag rug and seeing how it transforms into something so useful and beautiful. Feel free to create and share your results! Thank you for your attention and I hope this idea inspires you in your projects.

Edición de texto es de mi autoría las fotos las tome desde mi celular infinix hot 10 y traducido el texto en Google translate.
Text editing is my responsibility. I took the photos from my Infinix Hot 10 cell phone and translated the text in Google Translate.
Está muy bonito!
El trapillo te quedó muy bien hecho y es magnifico que le des uso a los trozos de tela que puedas tener, es una forma de ser más amigables con nuestro planeta.
Te quedó muy bonito.