"How would you keep up sewing on a traveling adventure? Or do you think fashion is a privilege that asks for tools and a lot of time?"
Ohhh, both, and!!
I adore your post here, dearest @kesityu.fashion - and hearing your adventure expand and expand... I can imagine it going on forever, and you following the right season, finding what you need in each country, making friends and connections... Beautiful.
My dad and his 3 friends drove from Scotland to Nepal in their early twenties, before they all had children; I saw a lot of photos of the journey and read a diary book they had made. It was extraordinary... They almost didn't make it over the mountains in Switzerland! ;-D It was before the major tunnels were constructed, I think. They had some serious confrontations in Afghanistan and other places, if I remember right.
Anyways, I love the intensity of your having to focus on just one or two garments - as I am indulging in hundreds!! It is a fun contrast to meet here on Needlework Monday! I love the intimacy of sewing just one thing over a long journey, too: for me, that was always a wonderful way to indulge in embroidery. The perfect 'time-filling' activity.
And yes, I dislike brands and labels of all sorts. But love stripes! Hehe! I love your glamorous photos of your beautiful self too, above: you are very streamlined and looking super-healthy, with all this cycling. Amazing achievement!! Buon continuazione!
Thank you😘 ...for this very inspiring response!
It does feel like, or became, definitely one of those one time crazy trips:) And yes, while I am doing it, I would love to do so many other things at the same time. The diary book is one for example that I left a bit behind, even though it is such a wonderful souvenir to have... At the same time I am writing it down on hive now, which I think makes me write a lot more than I would for just myself (a different way, but I enjoy it) and it makes me take a lot more photos than I would otherwise:)