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RE: Egg Pockets - WIP Continued…

in NeedleWorkMonday3 years ago

Lol that’s funny. Wow so 30 chickens and 3 ducks. Once we get the land we’ve been dreaming of we plan on building a chicken coop and maybe starting out with just a few to see how it goes.

Thanks so much for those tips. I have some really thin elastic I think would work well for it. I will test it out first by putting some eggs in and bending down to see if they stay in. The pockets might already be deep enough but it’s good to have a solution ready just in case ;)


Sadly I think most of my chickens hate me. 30 chickens would be awesome if I got 30 eggs, but I get nowhere near that. Ha! Some are bantum chickens and fly out of the area the others are in - no idea where they lay...if they do! Getting chickens is pretty fun and relatively easy if you start off small. I should do a better job with mine!!

Oh no! I'm sure they don't hate you 😯. I wonder where they lay though, that's quite interesting that they fly off like that.

Yea we would definitely start out small.