Thank you dear sweet Monica! Your words are always so appreciated.
Lol, I hope to introduce you all again to the sweater in 24'! I also hope to sell out in the holiday market!! 😄
you have created a bond of lovely and supportive needleworkers such that our lives and careers received a new meaning by just coming around the community
Wow, I’ve never heard it put that way. A bond…what a great way to describe what we have here. That’s truly how I feel. It’s amazing how much being around lovely and supportive people can bring real meaning into our everyday lives.
Thank you for this. I don’t plan on going anywhere. I’ve learned that when I’m feeling those emotions it just means it’s time for a break and to get away for awhile. It’s helped me in the past and I plan to continue that approach if needed 😉.
Aww I love you too! Thank you for being you and always showing up. Your love, support and feedback has impacted this community a great deal!! You are golden ~ 💛💖