Hello everyone. How are you guys doing. I hope you all are doing great in your lifes and are in the best of your health and fitness. Mondays are always so full of excitement and new things but at the same time it is also very hectic. You have a lot of chores to do and going back to university after a weekend is so much heartbreaking . But anyways we should always look forward to explore new things. On this weekend I made this very cute crochet pot with a flower.


I might say that nowadays I'm a bit obsessed with making flowers. But I wanted to try something new so I made a tulip flower. I started off by making the pot first. For this I have used simple crochet techniques and basic things. I did the whole project with 3mm hook. I used 3ply yarn of peach colour to make tulip,brown for the pot and soil and used white yarn to add design to the pot.


And as for the pot I made a magic ring (MR) and did 6 SC into it. The size of the pot increases gradually as in each round I used INC stitches. I also made a little base at the bottom of the pot. I like the little detailing in it When you reach a certain length of the pot start decreasing the stitches so that it attains the curvy shape of the pot. For the design on the pot I used white colour yarn to make it pop out. I simply used the shell design. I made 5 hdc into the same stitch to give it nice shell shape. First I made it with brown colour but the design was not so visible so I undo it and did it with white colour.


Now for the soil you have to simply make a circle equal to the opening of the pot. I didn't have any other shade of brown yarn so I made it with the same yarn as of the pot. You can use a lighter or more darker colour yarn to make the soil .I almost did 4 rounds for soil. Then stuff your pot very nicely to and put soil into it and sew it the pot. Not the pot is ready. As you know in my previous post I made a sunflower. So for the leave I stole it from my previous project and attached it to the flower 😂 I did it to save my time also sunflower still has a leave so don't worry 😂❤️


Making of the tulip was easy. I started off by making a magic ring and doing 6 SC into it. Then I increased the stitches upto 4 rounds then I simply did sc for the next 4 rounds. Now you have to stuff your flower nicely. The shape of your tulip depends on your stuffing. I did it several times to have the perfect shape. Now just sew the tulip diagonally making a cross in the mid and your tulip is ready. Now assemble all the things.
This was the final result.





I am so happy that it turned out so well. I hanged it in my room and it gives so pretty and cute vibes. I really loved the way how it turned out. You can also place it on your side table. I hope you guys also like it.
Let me know if you have any suggestions regarding my work.
Take care 😘
Have a nice day 💖
Bye bye 🫂