¡Hola, hola, hola! como están mis queridos compañeros de viaje, luego de disfrutar de un placentero paseo por las publicaciones de esta comunidad, estoy grandemente agradecida primeramente por los dones que Dios nos ha brindado para embellecer nuestros días y segundo por conocerles a través de esta plataforma.
Hello, hello, hello! how are you my dear fellow travelers, after enjoying a pleasant walk through the publications of this community, I am greatly grateful firstly for the gifts that God has given us to beautify our days and secondly for knowing you through this platform.
Siempre he visto el crochet no como una fuente de ingresos, sino como la oportunidad de hacer feliz a otros, desde niña tejía tapetes y bolsos para mis tías, abuela, y primas, con el tiempo esa costumbre se fue extendiendo hacia mis mejores amigas del colegio y vecindario, aunque ciertamente he obtenido ingresos por algunos de mis proyectos, el pago que tiene más valor para mí es ver la cara de satisfacción de la persona que recibe ese proyecto.
I have always seen crochet not as a source of income, but as an opportunity to make others happy, since I was a child I knitted rugs and bags for my aunts, grandmother, and cousins, over time that habit was extended to my best friends at school and neighborhood, although I have certainly earned income for some of my projects, the payment that has more value for me is to see the face of satisfaction of the person who receives that project.

Conversando ayer por vía telefónica con una vieja amiga, recordó de un tapete que le regale cuando niñas y me preguntó si aún seguía tejiendo, le respondí que sí y se alegró muchísimo, más no sabía él porque de su alegría, hasta que luego de terminar la llamada me llegaron varios mensajes done me solicitaba varios tejidos con colores específicos, este es uno de ellos.
Talking yesterday by phone with an old friend, she remembered a rug that I gave her as a gift when she was a child and asked me if I was still knitting, I answered yes and she was very happy, but I didn't know why she was so happy, until after finishing the call I received several messages asking me for several fabrics with specific colors, this is one of them.
Así que busqué entre mis hilos para comenzar con la solicitud de mi amiga, ella se enamoró de los Granny cuando los que vio en una exposición y al llegar a su casa buscó en internet y empezó a coleccionar algunos modelos, unos fáciles de tejer y otros con algunos desafíos, por lo momentos comencé con esta estrella de puntas como ella lo describió.
So I searched through my yarns to start with my friend's request, she fell in love with the Granny when she saw them at an exhibition and when she got home she searched the internet and started collecting some patterns, some easy to knit and others with some challenges, so I started with this pointed star as she described it.
Esta mañana luego de realizar mis respectivas labores domésticas y aprovechando que hoy estoy libre de clases, me dediqué a tejer la estrella y entre una distracción y otra fui dándole vida a este proyecto.
This morning after doing my respective housework and taking advantage of the fact that today I am free from classes, I dedicated myself to knit the star and between one distraction and another I was giving life to this project.
Las últimas vueltas a mí me hubiera gustado hacerlo en rojo tal como está en la imagen que me envió, pero ella la quería en verde claro y entre gustos y colores no mandamos los creadores, jeje solo le complací y al enviarle la foto quedó muy satisfecha.
The last few turns I would have liked to do it in red as it is in the image she sent me, but she wanted it in light green and between tastes and colors we do not send the creators, hehe I just pleased her and when I sent her the photo she was very satisfied.
Y yo feliz de poder tejerle su primera solicitud, ahora a revisar que hilos tengo y cuales debo comprar para cumplir con este requerimiento, aunque no tengo una fecha precisa para entregarlos, pues ella está fuera del país y solo me dijo los quiero para cuando regrese, solo me queda trabajar en ello, ahora a ver con cual solicitud sigo.
And I am happy to be able to knit her first request, now I have to check which yarns I have and which ones I have to buy to fulfill this requirement, although I don't have a precise date to deliver them, because she is out of the country and she just told me I want them for when she comes back, I just have to work on it, now I will see which request I will continue with.
Contenido original / Original content.
Imágenes tomadas por / Images taken by @gladymar1973
Dispositivo / Device Celular Infinix Smart 8
Portada editada en / Cover published in Canvas.
Banner creados por mí en / Banner created by me in Canvas.
La traducción fue a través de / The translation was done through www.DeepL.com,Translator
(versión gratuita) / .
This is very nice
Thank you dear for reading and commenting
If I was your friend, I too would be so satisfied. The granny looks so beautiful.
Thank you friend that encourages me to keep going, people like you are what is needed in life, happy day and thank you for commenting.
The design is very beautiful and okay and your friend will be happy to receive it
Greetings dear, thank you for your beautiful words, I hope each of the fabrics that you asked me to knit are to your liking, hehe
Seeing their happy faces when they receive our handmade products is indeed priceless. Yeah, the payment is good, but in some weird way, I find more happiness in seeing the receivers' smile. :)
That feeling of satisfaction is priceless
This is lovely
Your friends granny looks nice and simple. She'd be happy with it for sure. Good job
Yes she is very happy because I was able to realize one of her projects, thank you for your appreciation and support. happy day