I made a small bag that gave me a little trouble [ENG/ESP]

in NeedleWorkMonday9 months ago

Cover made in Canva/Portada hecha en Canva

What's up community? I hope you are very well and also that you have a nice start of the week.... One of the things I love about crochet is that the sky's the limit, you can make the things you can imagine with just thread and needle and well, you know that recently I finally started in this wonderful world and I wanted to show you my latest creation, this won't be exactly a tutorial, but I will tell you what materials I used and also the story behind this bag, so let's start...

¿Que tal comunidad? Espero que estén muy bien y también que tengan un lindo inicio de semana... Una de las cosas que amo del crochet es que el cielo es el límite, puedes hacer las cosas que te imagines solo con hilo y aguja y bueno, saben que recientemente por fin inicié en éste maravilloso mundo y quería mostrarles mi más reciente creación, ésto no será exactamente un tutorial, pero si les diré que materiales utilicé y también la historia detrás de éste bolso, así que comencemos...

For this bag I used 175grs of 1mm thick yarn which I used double, I also needed a 3mm needle, scissors and a knitting needle. Well, I wanted to set myself a challenge, so for this bag I didn't look at a specific tutorial but I took elements that I had already learned in tutorials and stitches that I had seen in YouTube shorts (that is, something like a Frankenstein this bag), I wanted it to have a circular base so the first thing I did (obviously) was a circle.

Para éste bolso usé 175grs de hilo de 1mm de grosor el cuál lo usé doble, también necesité una aguja de 3mm, tijeras y aguja lanera. Y bueno, les cuento, yo quería ponerme un reto, asi que para éste bolso no vi un tutorial en específico sino que tomé elementos que ya habia aprendido en tutoriales y puntos que habia visto en shorts de YouTube (o sea, algo así como un Frankestein éste bolso), quería que tuviese una base circular así que lo primero que hice (obviamente) fue un círculo.

This one I did starting with a magic ring in which I made 12 high stitches, when I had it ready in the second round I made increases in all the stitches, that is to say, I had a total of 24 stitches, for the third round I left one high stitch only for each increase, for the fourth round I left two high stitches only for each increase and so on in each round I left more high stitches only for each increase, this until I had the desired size, which in my case was 15cm and I made 8 rounds.

Éste lo hice empezando con un anillo mágico en el cuál hice 12 puntos altos, cuando lo tuve listo en la segunda vuelta hice aumentos en todos los puntos, es decir, me quedó un total de 24 puntos, para la tercera vuelta dejaba un punto alto solo por cada aumento, para la cuarta vuelta dejaba dos puntos altos solos por cada aumento y así sucesivamente en cada vuelta iba dejando más puntos altos solos por cada aumento, ésto hasta tener el tamaño deseado, que en mi caso fue de 15cm e hice 8 vueltas.

Then I made this beautiful stitch that since I saw it in a YouTube short I fell in love and wanted to replicate it as soon as possible, but, there was a little problem and it took me a long time to realize it.

Luego hice éste punto tan bonito que desde que lo vi en un short de YouTube quedé enamorada y lo quería replicar cuánto antes, pero, hubo un pequeño problema y tardé muchísimo en darme cuenta.

It turns out that when I had it like this (almost ready), I noticed that the structure was a little irregular, which I didn't like at all and I said to myself "this can't stay like this", I consider myself a bit of a perfectionist and if I see something a little wrong, even if it's only 1mm irregular that only I can see, I want to redo everything and yes, that's what I did.

Resulta que cuando lo tenía así (casi listo), me percaté de que estaba un poco irregular la estructura lo cuál a mi no me gustó para nada y me decía a mi misma "esto no se puede quedar así", me considero un poco perfeccionista y si veo algo un poco mal, así sea por 1mm irregular que sólo yo puedo ver, quiero volver a hacer todo y si, eso hice.

After a few days of work, I undid everything and did it again, because for me it was inconceivable to leave it like that (and more because I plan to put this bag for sale) so I got down to work (again) and I really finished in record time, so much so, that I forgot to photograph the process of the part that closes the bag.

Luego de algunos días de trabajo, deshice todo y volví a hacerlo, porque para mi era inconcebible dejarlo así (y más porque éste bolso planeo ponerlo a la venta) así que me puse manos a la obra (de nuevo) y realmente terminé en tiempo récord, tanto, que se me olvidó fotografiar el proceso de la parte que cierra el bolso.

But after that I was very happy with the result, I really thought it looked very nice and again I felt very proud of myself.

Pero luego de eso estaba muy feliz con el resultado, a mi realmente me parece que quedó muy lindo y de nuevo me sentí muy orgullosa de mi.

Then I made the handle part (which, yes, was another one I saw in a short), but, as I plan to put a longer metallic cord on this bag (you know, the ones that are like a chain), so I made this smaller woven one.

Luego hice la parte del asa (que si, fue otra que vi en un short), pero, como a éste bolso planeo ponerle una cuerda más larga metálica (ya saben, esas que son cómo una cadena), por eso hice ésta tejida más pequeña.

And this is the final result of this bag (at least the knitted part) that I really liked and I hope you liked it too. So far today's post, thank you very much for reading and see you later in another post ❤️

Y así se vería el resultado final de éste bolso (al menos la parte tejida) que a mi me gustó mucho y espero que a ustedes también les haya gustado. Hasta aquí el post de hoy, muchísimas gracias por leerme y nos vemos luego en otro post ❤️

Translated by DeepL

Traducido por DeepL


The pain of having to frog what you crocheted for days because it did not turn out right is so painful. I feel you! But it if it's an igem for sale, it has to be done. Oyr reputation as a crocheter is going to be our label. It turned out beautiful. I can imagine it with the long chain strap. Lovely!

Thank you very much! And yes, that will be reflected in my reputation, so I always try to have an excellent result even if I'm a beginner, I don't settle!

Te quedó hermoso.. me encanta el crochet!Te felicito 👏🏻🎉

Muchas gracias 😊❤️

What you mentioned earlier that you can make anything you imagine with thread and yarn, is so true. And this is what keeps us motivated to to try diverse things. ✨
The bag turned out really cute, all those frustrations that we bear in the process pay off in the end indeed.🌷

Thank you so much for your comment ❤️ I'm glad you liked the bag, certainly the process can frustrate us, but the result leaves us with an incredible sense of satisfaction!

We are so alike. I also don’t mind unraveling my work to make it perfect. That’s what make us better after all.
I like the colour you used and the pattern even though I’m suspecting it took so much yarn

I think it was because I used a 1mm yarn which I doubled, but surely with a thicker yarn it will take less yarn! Thank you so much for your comment ❤️✨

You’re welcome

I love the color of yarn you used!

Thank you so much ❤️