Los colores del arte / The colours of art

in NeedleWorkMonday3 years ago (edited)

Corazones tejidos a crochet.jpg

¡Hola, espero la estén pasando muy bien!
Hi, I hope you are having a great time!

Cuando era niña me encantaba tanto el arte, que por un buen tiempo pensé dedicarme a eso. En la adolescencia vi una película donde justo se trataba de una artista, quien debía dibujar un cuento ilustrado para una editorial. Allí me di cuenta que no era tan fácil el asunto, porque ella luego de varias ideas, llevó el trabajo final a la editorial y su trabajo fue rechazado. Además le dieron un plazo breve para que vuelva a presentar su trabajo. Durante la película resaltan la parte emocional de la artista y eso me hizo pensar y no querer pasar por eso.

When I was a child, I loved art so much that for a long time I thought about doing it for a living. When I was a teenager I saw a film about an artist who had to draw an illustrated story for a publishing house. There I realised that it wasn't so easy, because after several ideas, she took the final work to the publishing house and her work was rejected. She was also given a short deadline to resubmit her work. During the film the emotional side of the artist is highlighted and that made me think and not want to go through that.

Menciono esto porque no me pasó esto hasta ahora. Como sabrán este año ando retando a mi mente (jaja). En eso, encontré por las redes una publicación para participar con el tema #artesinviolencia . Este tema es de gran interés social en el Perú (país en vías de desarrollo) y quise aportar con algo.

I mention this because this didn't happen to me until now. As you may know, this year I've been challenging my mind (haha). In that, I found a publication on the networks to participate with the theme #artsinviolence. This topic is of great social interest in Peru (a developing country) and I wanted to contribute with something.

Luego de semanas, descarté varias ideas y me quedé con una, la mejoré y plasmé. El corazón representaría el autoafecto y los colores serían las múltiples vivencias personales a lo largo de los años...Y a pesar de todo sigue manteniendo la forma y siendo extraordinario cada uno a su manera. Para esto requerí varios restos de hilos. Lo curioso fue que cada pedazo de hilo me recordó a cada amigurumi tejido, ese momento fue inolvidable. También me dí cuenta que hay varios colores que no utilizo y ahora veo la importancia de esos colores olvidados en combinación con otros.

After a few weeks, I discarded several ideas and I kept one, improved and shaped it. The heart would represent the self-affection and the colours would be the many personal experiences over the years... And in spite of everything it still keeps its shape and is extraordinary in its own way. For this I required several scraps of yarn. The funny thing was that each piece of yarn reminded me of each amigurumi knitted, that moment was unforgettable. I also realised that there are several colours that I don't use and now I see the importance of those forgotten colours in combination with others.

¡…Hasta la próxima!
See you next time!

Dato curioso: Desde esa enseñanza de vida, me encanta ver películas drama / Since that life teaching I love to watch drama films. 

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 3 years ago (edited) 

I think it’s great that you decided to get involved with that theme.

The heart would represent the self-affection and the colours would be the many personal experiences over the years

Love this!

The multiple colored hearts look nice (I adore the back and white one) and I think it’s neat that seeing the different colors reminded you of all the projects you have completed with them.

Thanks so much for taking the time to join in the challenge ~ ❤️🤗

It took me weeks to try to express the meaning in a single image. For a moment I thought I would not succeed. Happily it turned out well. I'm delighted to participate with these hearts. Thanks for commenting and good vibes!.

I’m so glad for you that it was a success! Thanks for sharing it here with us ~ 💝

 3 years ago  

Están muy tiernos los corazones y como siempre muy bien elaborados, te felicito. Bendiciones!Hola @inici-arte, que gusto saludarte nuevamente. Me perece super interesante la perspectiva que pretendes abordar con el corazón y el uso de los diferentes colores. Me sentí muy identificada contigo al ver los restos de lana, también me pasa que recuerdo cada proyecto elaborado con esas lanas.

¡Muchas gracias!. Cuando estaba tejiendo me di cuenta que es una buena idea tejer llaveros de corazones o también pueden ser cubos u otras figuras, porque los restos de hilo o lana logran darle un toque distinto a cada pieza. ¡Buenas vibras!.

Lovely crochet pattern thanks

Thank you very much. They are easy to knit and we recycle the leftover yarn. Good vibes!

Your welcome

 3 years ago  

I was very touched by both ideas, the perennial meaning of the heart and the „lost colors“ you noticed. Especially the latter… I could imagine this to be a great starting point for a novel, a song or painted artwork. There can be so much meaning in lost colors who could represent special emotions, memories (which are lost and now newly discovered, or forgotten memories which are connected to colors etc.)
But even more I am interested in this initiative you mentioned but could not find something about this. DO you have a link or some more information. For me art is always political and I love to read about others using art to form the world into something better.

Hi. At first I didn't know where to start and had all the meanings jumbled up...then I remembered that art is just that, a means of expression and each person gives it a meaning making the piece have a special value for whoever perceives it. The other thing was to capture the central idea in a single image. Here I had the idea of knitting an amigurumi of a woman with the appearance of a fighter and then I asked myself why a woman if violence is not a human action. And so I came up with something that identifies humanity in general, without restriction of age, gender, origin, social class, skin colour or anything else.

The #artesinviolencia initiative was recently launched by a group of young people who, through art and phrases, promote the recognition and reduction of all types of violence. Currently in many countries it is normalised to live in a violent environment and this must change for the better. Good vibes!.

Bellos esos corazones, nunca he intentado tejer uno pero me encantan... debo estudiar un poco más para intentar...
Gracias por compartir

¡Hola!. No son complicados, por eso pensé no realizar un tutorial mas detallado, aunque sí realizaré un video tutorial. Gracias por comentar y ¡Buenas vibras!.

Bueno yo soy un poco desordenada... pero me encantaría intentar.. así que si lo haces no dudes en etiquetarme...

Simplemente increible, de eso se trata la vida y el arte. Grande eres.

Que lindo que cada retazo tejido te recuerda cada amigurumi que has tejido y lo más importante por una noble causa una vida sin violencia, de verdad te felicito, se nota que tienes un corazón muy grande!!!!