Dress with side slits 💜✨💫💜

in NeedleWorkMonday2 months ago


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Un gran saludo a todos los hivers en especial para los amantes de la costura, espero se encuentren bien y que tenga un maravilloso día,hoy quiero compartirles un vestido que realice con el fin de ir a la playa y exhibir un outfit nuevo, aunque estaba indecisa si lo queria largo o corto pero bueno me decidi largo y con unas abertura por los lados para realizar este vestido utilice con una tela licrada y este color morado me encanto,sin mas nada que agregar acompañenme ahora nos vamos con los materiales.

A big greeting to all hivers especially for lovers of sewing, I hope you are well and have a wonderful day, today I want to share a dress that I made in order to go to the beach and exhibit a new outfit, although I was undecided if I wanted it long or short but well I decided long and with an opening on the sides to make this dress used with a lycra fabric and this purple color I love, with nothing more to add join me now we go with the materials.


Tela licrada

Maquina de coser





Liquefied fabric

Sewing machine




Paso A Paso||Step by Step

Para realizar este vestido tome una prenda como guia para cortar todas las piezas luego empece a coser la falda

To make this dress I took a garment as a guide to cut all the pieces and then started to sew the skirt.


Luego voy a coser la parte de arriba del vestido ajuste los hombros con unos alfileres despues cosi en la maquina para luego coserle los sesgos en cuello y sisas

Then I will sew the top part of the dress, adjust the shoulders with pins, sew on the machine and then sew the bias binding on the neck and armholes.


Ya los sesgos estan listos los doble hacia dentro y los pase a maquina despues de tener la pieza lista la cosi a la falda

The biases are now ready, I folded them inwards and machine sewed them to the skirt after having the piece ready.


Después de tener el vestido listo por último le coloque una elástica para fruncir un poco la parte de adelante y doble las orillas a los lados y hemos terminado esta costura

After having the dress ready, I finally put an elastic to gather a little the front part and fold the edges to the sides and we have finished this seam.


Thank you for visiting and reading my blog see you soon 🥰


Las imágenes son propiedad del autor

The images are property of the author


It is stylish, elegant, and beautiful. Love its design. It looks amazing. Good to see how yo made this. Well done!

This is really elegant and amazing. Welldone