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RE: NeedleWorkMonday’s Four Week Community Comment Drive

in NeedleWorkMonday4 years ago

Hello, thank you for this publication, it invites to share my feelings regarding the comments.

Sincerely, I miss the comments of the members of this community in the different posts and in mine. I remember that previously, I published my post and I dedicated myself to comment each one of the publications that were made in this community, it was fascinating the support with the comments, we solved problems of some concern that someone made, we encouraged each other. Nowadays, I keep commenting, most of the comments I make, are not answered, and sometimes, my comment is the only one in any post, that makes me sad.

I understand the purpose of this post, to encourage participation, I believe that there should not be a post that encourages commenting, the post itself should invite it, and if we are in a community, the natural thing is to SUPPORT US.

Even when I am not an expert writing in English, more if I read it, I make an effort to comment in English. I have been thinking for days about the community, my community NeedleWorkMonday and comparing it as it was before, and it is not, I think about what I should do to improve, and what comes to my mind is to support with my comments.



Yes, I too really miss the interactions we all once had. However there a couple of factors I believe that have possibly changed that.

One thing is for sure we are in different times now and everyone has been affected by it in some way by what we've been facing. Secondly, everyone wants to be a content creator. While there is nothing wrong with that, it leaves very little time for writers to read other post and respond.

I believe that there should not be a post that encourages commenting, the post itself should invite it, and if we are in a community, the natural thing is to SUPPORT US.

This is exactly true about the commenting should come naturally. I believe the comments from our community are natural and genuine but at the same time there is some encouragement needed that will help remind everyone to support by interacting as they would want that on their own post. I don’t believe there is anything wrong with having incentives to motivate people to comment like they used to.

Either way everyone will make their own decisions and decide for themselves whether they will interact more or not. We as administrators just want to do our part to try encouraging this love of interaction again. It’s happening everywhere and not just in this community.

Thank you so much for taking the time to pour out your heart and share your thoughts with us. It is truly appreciated all of the lovely warm comments you leave. I’ve been really enjoying your visits to my blog ~ 💕
