The outcome looks great that it seems there's nothing wrong or error that you had encountered. That's the beauty of crochet/knitting. You can always unravel everything if it doesn't suit your taste. And I'm still thinking of trying to knit since I only knew how to crochet. But it seems like knitting is more difficult that crochet.😅
I never tried using a cashmere yarn in crocheting any project yet. But I hope someday I will be able to make something out of cashmere yarn and share it here.
Anyway thanks for sharing this post. God bless you. 😊
Unraveling is important if something is not right but it hurts just as much every time, all those wasted hours! 😤
I on the other hand don’t really know how to crochet much. I want to crochet a summer beach bag and I have the materials for it but haven’t started yet.
Unraveling is part on our learning. They are vital, and one should have that EXTRA patience for that Wonderful outcome. 😊 Yes, it hurts, that's why if I knew that there's an error, I'll just put it aside, and let the day pass before unraveling. 🤣