in NeedleWorkMonday4 years ago

Saludos a todos, hoy les quiero compartir un diseño hermoso y sencillo que realicé con el arte del miyuki, ya les comenté sobre él en otro post, y es que me gusta tanto que no puedo parar con la aguja, el hilo y las delicas.

Greetings everyone, today I want to share with you a beautiful and simple design that I made with the miyuki art, I already told you about it in another post, and I like it so much that I can't stop with the needle, the thread and the delicas.


Para realizar este hermoso barquito de tamaño minimalista, porque aunque lo vean grande, les digo que es pequeño, es fácil y puedes usarlo como tu quieras.

To make this beautiful little boat of minimalist size, because although they see it big, I tell you that it is small, it is easy and you can use it as you want.

Los materiales que necesitamos son:

  • Delicas miyuki o mostacillas pequeñas
  • Hilo para bisutería o Nylon
  • Tijera

The materials we need are:

  • Miyuki beads or small beads
  • Jewelry thread or Nylon
  • Scissors


Comenzamos introduciendo nueve delicas en la aguja y la llevamos al final del hilo, dejando como diez centímetros de hilo al final.

We start by inserting nine delicas in the needle and bring it to the end of the thread, leaving about ten centimeters of thread at the end.


Pasamos la aguja de atrás hacia adelante a partir de la segunda delica, y así en cada una hasta que van quedando una al lado de la otra. Para la segunda fila introducimos dos delicas y la pasamos justo por el hilo que une las dos primeras delicas de la fila anterior, justo como se ve en la última imagen, a esto se le llama aumento.

We pass the needle from back to front starting from the second delica, and so on each one until they are next to each other. For the second row we introduce two delicas and pass it right through the thread that joins the first two delicas of the previous row, just as shown in the last picture, this is called increase.


Nos regresamos con la aguja por la segunda delica y vamos introduciendo una a una las delicas hasta formar la segunda fila con un total de diez.

We go back with the needle through the second delica and we introduce one by one the delicas until we form the second row with a total of ten delicas.


Realizamos el mismo procedimiento anterior para cada fila, iniciando con un aumento.

We perform the same procedure as above for each row, starting with an increase.


Con el total de seis filas, pasamos el hilo por la fila de abajo para sacar el hilo por la cuarta delica de la última fila que hicimos, una vez ubicado el hilo ahí, introducimos dos delicas y ajustamos al hilo que está adelante y regresando la aguja por la segunda delica como en pasos anteriores.

With the total of six rows, we pass the yarn through the bottom row to pull the yarn through the fourth delica of the last row we made, once the yarn is placed there, we introduce two delicas and adjust to the yarn that is in front and returning the needle through the second delica as in previous steps.


Formamos otra fila justo como se aprecia en las imágenes.

We form another row just as shown in the images.


Para realizar las siguientes filas, lo haremos con disminuciones, esto no es más que al terminar cada fila, regresar el hilo por la fila anterior y sacarla por la segunda delica de la última fila, así hasta llegar al final del diseño como se puede apreciar en las imágenes.

To make the following rows, we will do it with decreases, this is nothing more than at the end of each row, return the thread through the previous row and take it out through the second row of the last row, and so on until the end of the design as shown in the pictures.


Colocamos la última delica en la punta donde podemos colocar un arito para colocarlo en una cadena o lo que sea de nuestro agrado.

We place the last delica at the tip where we can place a ring to attach it to a chain or whatever we like.


Escondemos el hilo pasandolo por toda la pieza en forma de zig zag y cortamos el sobrante.

We hide the thread passing it through the piece in a zig zag pattern and cut the excess.


Así queda nuestro barquito, yo lo hice como un llavero, ustedes pueden colocarlo como pulsera o un lindo collar. Espero les haya gustado y lo intenten.

This is how our little boat looks like, I made it as a keychain, you can use it as a bracelet or a nice necklace. I hope you liked it and give it a try.


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 4 years ago (edited) 

Greetings @kisbeilyt! Welcome to the NeedleWorkMonday Community!

I don’t think we’ve ever had miyuki art shared here so it’s awesome to see you showing this. The boat is so cute. I think it’s neat to be able to make something so delicate with those tiny beads.

Every week needleworkers from around the globe get together to share our work, patterns, tips, ideas and shortcuts as we support one another. Our goal is to inspire the Hive blockchain to give crafting a try.

On Monday’s we use the #needleworkmonday tag and on all other days we use the #needlework tag without the word Monday attached. We share and post our work directly from the Community page.

We encourage our members to share the process of their work through photos (as you have done in this post). This not only validates your work but it takes us along the creative journey with you :)

For more information about what we do and for our posting guidelines please visit our FAQs.

Thank you ~

Thanks, I'm glad to be able to contribute something new to the community, I'll be sharing a lot more of this art and hope to one day see more posts from other people doing it. I also love to crochet, so I will be sharing more than just miyuki. Thanks for the tips.

You never know, someone here may be inspired to give this craft a go :D

I am also a crocheter ;)

I started learning how to sew a couple of years back as well as knitting but my main go to (the one I’m most comfortable with) is crocheting.

No problem at all. Glad to have you ~