💕Welcome to my blog, with a big smile and coffee in hand!💕
El día de hoy les traigo un proyecto muy bonito, con una pequeña dificultad que se me presentó pero que logré resolver y me dio un resultado satisfactorio.
Mi proyecto de hoy es: Bandolero o Bolso reciclando un Jeans cosido a mano y adornado con botones 😍
Good afternoon and blessed start of the week for everyone, today in our Monday appointment, recharged with the best good vibes and with the best of the creativity that characterizes us.
Today I bring you a very nice project, with a small difficulty that I had but I managed to solve and gave me a satisfactory result.
My project today is: Handbag recycling a Jeans sewn by hand and adorned with buttons 😍
Yo creo que todos o la inmensa mayoría que hacemos vida en esta comunidad me daran la razón cuando digo que tenemos un retazo de tela guardada, o sea no tenemos una sola sino que tenemos muchas telas, bolsas o cajas llenas de ellas y no estoy exagerando jajaja
Bien, aca te presento un retazo de un pantalón, recuerdo que no queria tirarla porque me parecia muy lindo el diseño, lo que no recuerdo es donde utilice el resto, en fin, este sera el protagonista de mi proyecto.
I think that all or the vast majority of us who make life in this community will agree with me when I say that we have a piece of fabric saved, that is, we do not have only one but we have many fabrics, bags or boxes full of them and I am not exaggerating hahaha.
Well, here I present a piece of a pair of pants, I remember that I didn't want to throw it away because I thought the design was very nice, what I don't remember is where I used the rest, anyway, this will be the protagonist of my project.
Con tijera en mano realizo cortes de las costuras dobles.
With scissors in hand I cut the double seams.
Y armada con esta pequeña pero util herramienta de costura, me dispongo a "descoser".
Reconociendo que no es del agrado de muchos pero te armas de paciencia, buscas tu café o té, colocas música y manos a la tela 😁
And armed with this small but useful sewing tool, I set out to "unpick".
Recognizing that it is not to the liking of many but you arm yourself with patience, find your coffee or tea, put on some music and hands to the fabric 😁.
Aca te presento todos los materiales que vamos a utilizar para realizar y dar vida a este bello proyecto, vale acotar que para la parte de atras de nuestro bolso utilizaremos otro tipo de jeans pero del mismo color
Here I present all the materials that we will use to make and give life to this beautiful project, it is worth noting that for the back of our bag we will use another type of jeans but of the same color.
Medimos, marcamos y cortamos dos rectángulos de 22 x 27 cm
Measure, mark and cut two 22 x 27 cm rectangles.
Al tenerlos listos vamos a utilizar la misma pretina que tenia al principio, ajustamos con alfileres y pasamos costura recta.
En este punto se presenta la dificultad...
Oh no, la máquina no quería coser, asi como lees, pues bien; cambié agujas, cambié hilos, estuve a punto de estresarme pero respire profundo, descanse par de horas y decidí coser a mano, aunque no me guste lo hice.
Once we have them ready, we will use the same waistband that we had at the beginning, we adjust with pins and pass straight stitching.
At this point the difficulty arises....
Oh no, the machine didn't want to sew, just as you read, well; I changed needles, changed threads, I was about to get stressed but I took a deep breath, rested for a couple of hours and decided to sew by hand, although I don't like it I did it.
Como cosa extraña, intente pasar costura recta y la máquina si cosio, luego zig zag y todo bien
As a strange thing, I tried to sew a straight seam and the machine did sew, then zig zag and everything was fine.
Aqui estaba de vuelta con aguja e hilos, pues no hubo manera de coser en la máquina, me lo tome como un reto y lo logre
Here I was back with needle and thread, because there was no way to sew on the machine, I took it as a challenge and I did it.
Cuando era el turno de coser la cremallera, ni siquiera intente buscar la máquina, solo la deje alli descansando y culmine mi costura a mano
When it was my turn to sew the zipper, I didn't even try to look for the machine, I just left it there resting and finished my sewing by hand.
Coloqué un cordón color blanco para darle combinación de colores al bolso
I placed a white cord to give a color combination to the bag.
Ya no faltaba nada mas, pero quería darle ese toque final, busqué entre miles de botones y los encontré
Nothing else was missing, but I wanted to give it that final touch, so I searched through thousands of buttons and found them.
Unos lindos botones blancos, el toque que le faltaba a mi bolso
Nice white buttons, the missing touch to my bag.
Este es el resultado final de mi proyecto, logrado a base de paciencia y creatividad, espero sea de tu agrado y recuerda que si algo no va bien, tomate un descanso pero no te rindas.
This is the final result of my project, achieved through patience and creativity, I hope you like it and remember that if something is not going well, take a break but don't give up.
Disfrute mucho realizar este proyecto, aunque te confieso aquí entre nos que no me gusta coser a mano, ya que luego mi espalda y mis ojos se quejan, pero si lo disfrute.
NOTA: Todo el material utilizado en este proyecto es reciclado, a excepción del hilo jejeje
I really enjoyed making this project, although I confess here between us that I don't like to sew by hand, because then my back and my eyes complain, but I did enjoy it.
NOTE: All the material used in this project is recycled, except for the thread hehehe.
Hasta aquí mi post de hoy espero sea de tu agrado y si tienes algún comentario o sugerencia házmelo saber en los comentarios, saludos y bendiciones para todos.
Te envío un caluroso abrazo virtual y muchas bendiciones.
Continúen creando, reciclando y cuidándose, tomen agua y sean felices; nos leemos.
So far my post today I hope you like it and if you have any comments or suggestions let me know in the comments, greetings and blessings to all.
I send you a warm virtual hug and many blessings.
Continue creating, recycling and taking care of yourselves, drink water and be happy; we will read each other.
- Todas las fotografías aquí presentadas son de mi propiedad, tomadas con mi teléfono Blu C5 2019.
- Los separadores los realice con ayuda de PowerPoint
- Mi idioma natal es el español, realice la traducción con ayuda de Deepl.com
- All the photographs presented here are my own, taken with my Blu C5 2019 phone.
- The separators were made with the help of PowerPoint
- My native language is Spanish, I made the translation with the help of Deepl.com.
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Hola se ve muy práctico muy lindo 😊 te felicito.