Bienvenidos a mi Blog!
Un nuevo mes, nueva semana, nuevas oportunidades 😁💕
Welcome to my Blog!
A new month, a new week, new opportunities 😁💕
Hoy tenemos nuevos proyectos, nos encontrarnos en este espacio para compartir con nuestros amigos virtuales y dar a conocer nuestros trabajos y proyectos, en esta ocasión les traigo una idea sencilla de un Vestido para Niñas a dos colores.
Here we are again in our appointment every Monday, I hope you all are in good health and that abundance and prosperity always accompanies you.
Today we have new projects, we meet in this space to share with our virtual friends and share our work and projects, this time I bring you a simple idea of a Girls Dress in two colors.
Sin mas, aquí te muestro el paso a paso de mi proyecto:
Without further ado, here I show you the step by step of my project:
Medimos y cortamos 5 tiras de 10 cm cada una
We measure and cut 5 strips of 10 cm each.

Con todas las piezas cortadas y dispuestas, nos vamos a coser con nuestra preciada máquina
With all the pieces cut and arranged, we are going to sew with our precious machine.
Lo primero que haremos sera el ruffle o arruchado, esto lo conseguimos hacer cambiando el largo de puntada en la maquina
The first thing we will do is the ruffle, this is done by changing the stitch length on the machine.

Asi deben quedan las piezas, solo cosemos 4, ahora unimos con la recta y luego zig zag para dar mejor acabado
This is how the pieces should look like, we only sew 4, now we join with the straight and then zig zag to give a better finish.
Seguidamente realizamos el ruedo y unimos por el costado
Next, we make the hem and join it on the side

La 5ta pieza que habiamos cortado la cosemos en la parte de arriba y agregamos una elastica con ayuda de un gancho
The 5th piece that we had cut, we sew it on the top and add an elastic with the help of a hook.

Asi mismo vamos a coser unas tiras de agarre
In the same way we will sew some grip strips

Por ultimo, con la misma tela de flores vamos a realizar un lazo o moño y cosemos a mano
Finally, with the same flower fabric we are going to make a bow and sew it by hand.

Resultado Final del Vestido para Niñas a 2 colores
Final result of the 2 colors dress for girls
Hasta aquí mi publicación por el día de hoy, espero que sea de tu agrado y pueda leer tus comentarios por alguna duda o sugerencia.
Te envío un caluroso abrazo virtual y muchas bendiciones.
Continúen creando, continuen cuidandose, sean felices, tomen agua, nos leemos.
So far my publication for today, I hope you like it and I can read your comments for any questions or suggestions.
I send you a warm virtual hug and many blessings.
Continue creating, continue taking care of yourselves, be happy, drink water, we will read each other.
- Todas las fotografías aquí presentadas son de mi propiedad, tomadas con mi teléfono Blu C5 2019
- Mi idioma natal es el español, realice la traducción con ayuda de
- All photographs presented here are my property, taken with my Blu C5 2019 phone.
- My native language is Spanish, I made the translation with the help of
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at
The tired dress is really cute. The color blocks with the black are a perfect combination. I think this dress would also look good on an adult… 😃
Hi, I really appreciate your words, this combination is really good, maybe I will make one for myself 😁
I love the fabrics and how you have combined it.
Its lovely, thanks for sharing.This is beautiful dear @leslieq78.
Dear Monica, thank you for your words of encouragement, greetings.
The combination of this two fabrics looks so beautiful and it came out nice, the dress looks great with the bow in front. Thanks for sharing @leslieq78
My dear friend, thank you for visiting me and for your words, believe me that the ribbon came to my mind later, greetings.
Que linda combinación de colores usaste para este vestido. te quedó muy precioso amiga. Saludos ❤️
Hola amiga Gaby, muchisimas gracias, te envio un abrazo
Hace rato que quiero hacerle vestidos a mí bebé pero aún no me animo, gracias por compartir, te quedó muy Lindo.
Hola querida, aqui tienes un modelo jejeje gracias a ti por pasar por aqui