Hace pocos dias estuvo de cumpleaños una vecina y le quise hacer un regalo, es un Top Juvenil color Negro muy a la moda.
Good morning dear audience, especially to you who stopped to read me, blessings to all, today a special Monday, with good vibes and desire to move forward, last Monday of July, from the hand of my special community #NeedleWorkMonday a project that I want to share with you.
A few days ago was a neighbor's birthday and I wanted to give her a gift, it's a Black Youth Top very fashionable.
Comencé buscando los materiales necesarios para realizar un buen proyecto para mi regalo.
I started looking for the necessary materials to make a good project for my gift.
Medimos y cortamos nuestra tela con mucho cuidado, paciencia y creatividad
We measure and cut our fabric with great care, patience and creativity.

Asi mismo cortamos 2 piezas de 6 cm que serviran para los tirantes
In the same way we cut 2 pieces of 6 cm that will be used for the suspenders.
Con todas nuestras piezas listas, planchamos y comenzamos a coser.
With all our pieces ready, we iron and start sewing.
Lo primero que vamos a hacer sera coser el ruedo de la parte trasera
The first thing we are going to do is to sew the back hem.
Ahora unimos la parte delantera, adicional e quise hacer una doble costura mas ancha, donde colocaremos nuestros botones
Now we join the front part, and I wanted to make a wider double seam, where we will place our buttons.
Cosemos el sesgo en la parte superior delantera
We sew the bias binding on the upper front part.

Unimos la parte delantera y la parte trasera, cortamos los sobrantes de tela y terminamos con zig zag
We join the front and the back, cut the excess fabric and finish with a zig zag.

Ahora vamos a coser los tirantes, doblamos la tela y pasamos la recta
Now we are going to sew the straps, fold the fabric and pass the straight line.
Es momento de coser a mano nuestros botones de adorno, no hice ojales
It's time to hand sew our decorative buttons, I didn't make buttonholes.
Asi va quedando...
This is how it looks...
Cosemos los tirantes con costura recta
We sew the shoulder straps with straight seam

Este es el Resultado Final
Yo quedé satisfecha y la cumpleañera super emocionada con su nueva blusa tipo top.
This is the Final Result.
I was satisfied and the birthday girl was super excited with her new top.
Hasta aquí mi publicación por el día de hoy, espero que haya sido de tu agrado y pueda leer tus comentarios, te espero de vuelta el próximo lunes! Buenas sorpresas vienen por allí.
Te envío un caluroso abrazo virtual y muchas bendiciones.
Continúen creando y cuidándose, nos leemos.
So far my publication for today, I hope you liked it and I can read your comments, I hope to see you back next Monday! Good surprises are coming your way.
I send you a warm virtual hug and many blessings.
Keep on creating and taking care of yourselves, we'll read each other.
- Todas las fotografías aquí presentadas son de mi propiedad, tomadas con mi teléfono Blu Studio X10
- Mi idioma natal es el español, realice la traducción con ayuda de Deepl.com
- All the pictures presented here are my property, taken with my Blu Studio X10 phone.
- My native language is Spanish, I made the translation with the help of Deepl.com.
Buenos días estimada audiencia, en especial a ti que te detuviste a leerme, bendiciones para todos, hoy un Lunes especial, con buena vibra y ganas de seguir hacia adelante, ultimo lunes del mes de julio, de la mano de mi comunidad especial #NeedleWorkMonday un proyecto que quiero compartir con ustedes.
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.
The top you made for your neighbor is actually color and I'm grateful that the birthday girl loves the style of top you presented for her birthday as a gift.
She was delighted and happy and I was even happier.
Thanks for stopping by my dear friend
Felicidades estimada @leslieq78, se ve que es una blusa muy fresca y con un hermoso modelo. Bendiciones
Hola, muchisimas gracias, amén
Gracias 😘