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RE: My NeedleWork 2023 - A Year End Challenge

We go through phases in our life and often it's not possible to be on chain all the time when we have other things going on in real life. But the beauty is that if we ever do return from a period of absence, we know that many of our friends will still be here, and we also get to meet new friends. Hopefully you will be more active in 2024 and finish the blanket for your friends 6th child ... or maybe 7th if you're really busy 😉


Yes! That's part of what keeps me going. It's always nice greeting my friends once I return. I am grateful I've been able to be around for as long as I have. I'll just continue to be here as much as I can.

Lol yes! I do hope and plan to be here more in 24’!

Thanks so much Living. I always love your comments ~ 💗