Beautiful Butterfly embroidery in painting style

Hello hi everyone greetings to all of you and welcome to my another blog. Hope you all are well and doing great job . Today weather is also very pleasant and rainy ☺️. I have to do l lot of works and prepare the dinner for whole family so i thought to make some embroidery first in the community post. Today my embroidery is very interesting and unique. I give the touch of painting into the embroidery. I learnt this technique from my aunt's. They made a bedsheet using embroidery and painting mix. Its looking very gorgeous in the final look. So i i also thought to make something for my post using such steps. Let's start the process of my embroidery work.

I tell you the material that i used like threads needle frame fabric and paints. I adjusted fabric in the frame and draw pattern of butterfly for making embroidery.

First i took black colour thread put it in the needle then started to make stitches in the body of butterfly. I made outline in whole body alao in antenna on the head.

After this i took dark pink colour put it in the needle. The difficult step is to put thread in the needle. I again made outline of pink colour in the wings that are three in numbers also in different shape like heart.

After making thread outline i took sky shade paint and brushes in the body.

Now i started to paint in the wings using multiple colours like red green and blue. First i added red colour in first wing and second green. At the last i added blue colour.

So finally my embroidery work is ready. You guys can see final look here.

Final look

Don't forget also giving me feedback on my work. Hope you will like. See you soon in the new work. Bye.


Good job, I love it.