Una Camisa para Rocky en Apoyo a la Vinotinto ❤️🐱❤️ A Shirt for Rocky in Support of La Vinotinto

in NeedleWorkMonday8 months ago

🌸Hola Comunidad HIVE🌸

Hello HIVE Community


Hola amigos feliz y bendecido día tengas todos en @needlewormonday, les deseo una excelente semana de lindos proyectos. Hoy les vengo a compartir mi trabajo familiar, ya que todos de alguna manera participamos cuando de hacerle algo Rocky se trata y es que esta alegría contagiosa de nuestra vinotinto no podía pasar así nada más y a mi esposo fanático del futbol se le ocurrió que le hiciera una camisa a Rocky y sin dudarlo nos fuimos mi hija y yo a la tienda de ropa y compramos un poco de Muselina y vivo para confeccionar su camisa a nuestro gran Rocky.

Hello friends, happy and blessed day to all of you in @needlewormonday, I wish you an excellent week of beautiful projects. Today I come to share my family work, since we all somehow participate when it comes to do something Rocky and this contagious joy of our vinotinto could not happen just like that and my soccer fan husband came up with the idea of making a shirt for Rocky and without hesitation my daughter and I went to the clothing store and bought some Muslin and live to make his shirt to our great Rocky.


Había ido esa misma tarde a comprarle su gatarina y vi en el comercio un diseño de camisa para perros y gatos que me gustó, le tomamos fotos y al llegar a casa la reproduje literalmente jajaja. Corté una pieza delantera que lleva un semi arco en el ruedo, una pieza trasera un poco mas ancha a la delantera, y un par de mangas.

I had gone that afternoon to buy her cat and I saw in the store a shirt design for dogs and cats that I liked, we took pictures and when we got home I literally reproduced it hahaha. I cut a front piece that has a half bow at the hem, a back piece a little wider than the front, and a pair of sleeves.


Comencé costura con las mangas para colocarle los vivos dorados que lleva de adorno, las mangas son tipo sudaderas no el corte tradicional de mangas. Luego cosí las mangas tanto a al pieza delantera como a la trasera, primero una manga y luego la otra.

I started sewing the sleeves to place the gold trim, the sleeves are like sweatshirts, not the traditional cut of sleeves.Then I sewed the sleeves to both the front and back pieces, first one sleeve and then the other.


Necesitaba una etiqueta del logo de la vinotinto y como el de la idea fue mi esposo recorté de su camisa ya desgastada de la vinotinto el logo y lo cosí en la parte trasera de la camisa de manera que se viera al tenerla puesta.

I needed a vinotinto logo label and since my husband was the one who came up with the idea, I cut out the logo from his already worn vinotinto shirt and sewed it on the back of the shirt so that it would be visible when wearing it.


Luego cosí por los costados, para colocar luego en el ruedo de la camisa un mini fajín o tira de manera que al final la camisa recoja y no quede tan ancha.

Then I sewed on the sides, to place a mini sash or strip at the hem of the shirt so that the shirt is gathered at the end and is not so wide.


Para el cuello utilicé un poco de microdurazno que es muy suave y estira mucho, gracias a que encontré en mis retazos un tono parecido al dorado y quedó perfecto. El cuello lo hice en tipo V.

For the collar I used some microdurazno which is very soft and stretches a lot, thanks to the fact that I found in my scraps a shade similar to gold and it was perfect. I made the collar in a V style.




Y aquí esta este galán precioso con su camisa para apoyar a nuestra selección vinotinto en su participación en la copa América 2024.

And here is this gorgeous guy with his shirt to support our vinotinto national team in their participation in the Copa America 2024.

Todos en casa estuvimos emocionados y felices pero el no tanto, ya que no le gusta que le pongan nada, estaba de un serio terrible, no quería ni vernos jajaja pero igual se dejó su camisa un buen rato para que tomáramos las fotos y lo disfrutáramos muchísimo como cada cosa que le hacemos. Espero les haya gustado mi proyecto vinotinto de hoy amigos y nos leemos pronto.
All of us at home were excited and happy but he was not so much, since he doesn't like to wear anything, he was in a terrible mood, he didn't even want to see us hahaha but he still left his shirt for a while so we could take the pictures and enjoy it a lot like every thing we do to him. I hope you liked my vinotinto project today friends and I'll see you soon.

🌸🌸🌸🌸Fotos de mi Propiedad, tomadas con un Redmi 9🌸🌸🌸🌸

Photos of my Property, taken with a Redmi 9

pie depagina.png


Just look at how comfy he looks in his shirt. If Vinotinto doesn’t win, Rocky will sure he be sad. I’m also rooting for the national team because of Rocky and his nice shirt

Although the vinotinto didn't win Rocky dazzled us with his nice shirt, good that you also liked it. Greetings and thanks for stopping by and commenting.


You’re welcome

 8 months ago  

The jersey looks nice on her with the cute photography, I hope that you get the desired victory to crown this.💕

Glad you liked his shirt my friend, he wore it for a happy time. Thanks for visiting. Regards.

Hmmmmm, I'm so speechless, from the look of your Rocky, Rocky even look os comfortable and nice with in the shirt, this is nice, the shirt looks so beautiful and the design look like foot ball shirt, well done

The shirt we saw at the pet store was very helpful and I tried to recreate it as best I could. I'm glad you liked it. Greetings and thanks for your nice comment.

Rocky quedó genial con su camiseta.. te quedó super... Espero pronto poder lograr costuras así.. besos

Si te gusta este arte, estoy segura que aprenderás y te quedarán muy lindas tus costuras muy pronto. Me alegra que te haya gustado la camisa de Rocky. Gracias por comentar, saludos.