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RE: Who is Potato // Quíén es Potato

in NeedleWorkMonday3 years ago

Sigh, bad internet is sooooooooo annoying. Here it is mostly good, only sometimes when the weather is super wet or stormy we have problems, because seine of the cables hang precariously in front of the house. THe landlord should repair it but does not want, because of the money… Hope you will sometimes get a better internet signal <3

ANd with the face of potato, I think its perfect, no more embroidery needed.

THe clavicle problems are not really treatable, only the pain which they cause in the muscles, but health insurance does not pay to work on this constantly 🤢


Hello @neumannsalva , hope you can fix the cables, bad internet is really a problem to us hivers.

Omg your clavicle problem don't have treatment, so i understand you need phisytherapy, sorry i don't sure if i wrote correctly, but you need exercise to your muscles and insurance don't pay for it? That is bad, because they are expensive!

Do you have tried to do yoga? İt's a good exercise to our muscles!