My weekly unfinished projects, moving forward to make some trousers with shirt and a senators for my Sister's child.

Greetings hive

Special greetings from me to you all to make your day, a blessed new month wishes to you all of my family and friends in the @needleworkmonday community, how are you all doing, i hope all is well, I'm here today to share with you all on my weekly unfinished project which i was dealing with trousers.

Some tailors has their own pattern and skills of work, they has their own personal way of cutting clothes expecially trousers because trousers is the most hardless cutting for some seamstress that doesn't had experience before, Making children's trousers is the most simplest one because there will be an elastic on the wast, even to make a female trousers is very easy but to make male trousers is not an easy thing, the main problem with male trousers is the side pocked and the back pockets, those are the most difficult part in sewing males trousers.

I went to visit my sister because it been five Month now since she put to birth i haven't seen her and the new born baby boy, visiting her is the sweetest moments that we spent together, i sew a bag on her room with a lot of clothes inside, she told me that she want to dump them because she's not goimg to wear them anymore, i discovered that some of the clothes are free gowns that she sewn new when she was pregnant and now she has pit to birth and she doesn't want to wear them again, i gave her an idea of giving some oit to people or losing some free gown so i can transform them to trousers and shirt or senators for her child, she was so excited with the idea, she started selecting some free gowns se with good materials and some with ankara fabrics.

So i started losing them and start with the trousers cutting, i folded the fabric by two, i took the full trouser length then i divided the waist by four and i pit in 1 inch for sewing allowance i took im the crotch length and the crotch width by using the waist measurements and put in 1.5 inch, then i took the hem bending and cut tue front out, after cutting the front i fold the fabric again by two and i placed the front on it and put 2 inches for the back crotch width and i also put 1 .5 imch for the back allowance then i cut ot out.

I now went to the sewing machine and start joining them, i joined the front together and the back together as well, then i joined the front and tue back side together also with the crotch area.

After that i bend the waist band and the down hem.
Here is the outcome of it.

So after finishing the first one i went ahead and cut all the following lone ones because some will be short then i wanyed to finish with the long ones first, so i wwnt ahead and all of them.

I went ahead and joined them one by one.

I now bend the waist and keep the yrape space for elastic, and i did the same thing on the down hem part.

Here are the outcome of them.

Wow, it was a great work but due to how i was not feeling too well so i had to keep the work unfinished, so i will went and elastic to finish them, so guys i will show you all the finish work and tou will love it, there will be elastic on the waist and the hem of the trousers but I'm thinking if will look nice because that's the style that my sister wanted, then the next focus will be the senators and shirt, let stop jerw for today.

Thanks so much for stopping by, goodbye and have a nice day.


 17 days ago  

Its a good advise you have her to transform some of those clothes rather than give them out, now it will be very much useful for her son.
Well done dear.

Thank you so much darling.

Nice work, dear. Keep it up!

Thanks ma'am

This is really nice
I love your finishing process

Thànk you so much.

It's a great idea not to waste that fabric and give everything a second life, especially dresses, where a lot of fabric can be recovered. Making pants is very difficult and you have to be very precise, yours look great.

I'm so impressed, thank you so much, I appreciate