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RE: Crochet 101: Freeneedling

in NeedleWorkMonday3 years ago

So in life, if we ever make mistakes or we aren't quite satisfied with how we are doing, may we never be afraid to start over.

That's the beauty of starting over. You don't actually start from nothing. You have lessons learned and that in a way isn't a waste after all.

I was actually planning on making scrunchies too. I ended up doing something else. I went with something that's really close to my heart. I followed my crocheting heart and went on with it. I'll be sharing about it later.

Glad to see you post in the needleworkmonday community. Warm welcome to you! Hope you enjoy browsing through the different needlework craft here. :)


I agree. We always get something from our experiences.

Awwww. Will check your work, too, later!!
Thank you so much.