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RE: My First crotchet

in NeedleWorkMonday8 months ago

Heyy! Glad you found our community. That was great technique making this design. How long did it take you to finish this creation? I usually take a long time to comple a project. That's because I take lots of breaks. Lol. But it's good because the breaks give me time to take process photos of my project.

Since you're here already, I'd like to welcome you to the needleworkmonsay community! Join us every Monday. We use the #needleworkmonday tah for projects shared on Mondayd and #needlework tag if you shared them on other days.

Yeah, it would be best to share process photos, but more importantly,we'd like to hear about your journey. Tell us about the inspiration behind your creation. I usually share my thoughts too while crocheting.

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Thank you ~