Hello good evening, today I bring you a fantastic and easy idea to elaborate with recycling material, scraps of fabric that you no longer use to make a nice bow tie.
My hair tie for a new look.
- Tela.
- Tijera.
- Hilo
- Aguja.
- Elástica.
- Cloth.
- Scissors.
- Thread
- Needle.
- Elastic.
Paso 1: Comenzamos marcando en una tela de su gusto un retazo recto para realizar una linda moñera.
Step 1: We start by marking a straight piece of fabric of your choice to make a nice bow tie.
Paso 2: Cortamos el pedazo de retazo recto y con una aguja y hilo vamos a ir cociendo poco a poco uniendo dos partes.
Step 2: We cut the piece of straight fabric and with a needle and thread we are going to sew little by little joining two parts together.
Paso 3: Después de terminar de cocer con un pedazo de elástica vamos a ir colocando.
Step 3: After finishing cooking with a piece of elastic we will be placing.
This was the final result, I was delighted with my super bow tie, I hope you liked it, see you in a future blog.
Gracias por compartir tu proyecto en esta comunidad.
Saludos y bendiciones 🤗Hola @rosaura28 está muy bonita y práctica tu moñera.