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RE: Sewing my first garment collection

in NeedleWorkMonday3 years ago

I love it!

I love the colours, they really are Spring. I have tulips, daffodils and hyacinths sitting here in those colours (and also slightly reminiscent of the blue and black fabric, sometimes the hyacinths have that intense blue or almost black appearance). I am always struck in the Spring by the colours of the cut flowers I have in the house and the contrast of the blooms with the foliage.

I like how you are putting your collection together, too. The purple top looks lovely with the skirt, really lifts it :). I like the other selections, too, they look very well together and the different combinations of sweaters, cardigans and sweatshirts.

Rainy Spring could be right: it is raining here 😂

 3 years ago  

Yesyesyes... I also was reminded of hyacinths (and crocuses - ours are blue and yellow). But you are right tulips are also in this color range. I think I forgot them, because ours are not yet blooming (the garden is always a bit behind, not sure why its colder there).
ANd thank you for your collection support :-D I hope I will really sew all the things I planned because one plan already fell: the pink yarn is discontinued and I may have started something in beige/off-white yarn (was not planned). In my mind it will also fit with the skirt, but I am not sure it will hold in reality. Its the hexagon crochet cardigan I wanted to start for longer now and @blezyn version is soooo lovely, I think I need it right now :-DDDD

I think you have been heading for the collection idea for a little while? But sometimes the implementation or realisation comes a long time after the idea - it does for me 😍.

The cut tulips I have in the house are commercially grown and are ahead of the garden tulips (literally left out in the cold), in nature, they wouldn't appear at the same time as the daffodils 😂.

We've talked about capsule wardrobes, I think you did a post long ago, and I discover within capsules, there are modules, like little sub-capsules. Modules seem to correspond with "collection".

 3 years ago  

Yes the collection or sub-capsule is a recurrent topic. We will see if I managed to avoid distractions (in form of lovely fabric and yarn colors :-DDD) THe other problem could be purple-weariness. THe flower dress and the fluffy sweater are in heavy rotation right now and I can feel my wish for different colors creeping up 😱