This post is my contribution to #needleworkmonday challenge founded by @crosheille and hosted by @muscara, and @marblely .
In this post I want to show you my rose quartz crystals mask. It is a therapeutic mask, it makes me feel energized and rejuvenated. I am one of those persons that believe in the metaphysical and healing properties of crystals. Those types of masks are used in the high end spas, and when I say "high end" I mean "very expensive". I've seen rose crystal masks selling on the internet for $500 a piece!
Anyways... I am a creative person who likes beading. I had some flat rose crystals beads in my crafts boxes, so... let's do it!
Look at me! I am soooo relaxed with my crystal mask on! I like to meditate while I am having it on my face.

Here it is laying flat on my couch. Looks cool, right?

It has a fluid feeling. It is heavy and cold. Crystals are always cold. So it has a cooling effect on the face. Imagine is you keep it for a few minutes in the fridge! That's how they do it in the spa!

But let me tell you how I made it. First, I gathered all my beads and figured out that I have enough. Then, I stitched them on a piece of cloth, I used green color thread so I can see it when I remove my work form the base cloth.
It took me a while to do this, as my beads were irregular. Imagine how easy it can be with flat rectangular beads! You can use a peyote or even brick stitch with no problems. But in my case, with repurposed beads, I had to improvise!
As you can imagine, my beads are strung on a thin thread, so I can attach them to the cloth!

After securing the beads to the cloth, I used a thin and strong thread (fireline) to secure the beads, meaning to connect each other. I used very thin beading needles, threading back and fourth through the beads, as the beads holes were not too big! So I broke a few needles. :(
Time to take my work off the cloth! Green thread out! That was exciting!

My mask is almost ready. The last step is to do some re-enforcement. It took me a few hours, because I had to go through every single bead again, to make sure everything stays in place. I also had to add a few rows on the top, to cover the forehead better.

I hope you like my idea, and maybe someone wants to try to replicate it. The mask is fabulous and makes me feel so good!

I am amazed: I have never heard or seen something like this 😲 lying flat it reminds me of an antique artwork, perhaps a ritual mask for some unknown religion. And the time you spent crafting this, I am in awe of our patience.
(And as I have headaches/migraines for days I kind of dream of this mask cooling my face)
The mask has a cooling effect on your skin. I bet it helps with migraines. I am looking for different beads so I can make a better one, I hope I find the right materials so I can make masks like this one and sell them, so people can benefit. Let's see, I will let the needlework community know! Thank you for your kind words @neumannsalva
Ha, Ha, yes... unusual...
Oh my goodness what a project!! It's lovely!
Thank you, it took me "a minute" to complete it :)
haha! ;) I bet!!
Wow! It needs a lot of patient than doing crochet. I just thought though. You don't have to go to that expensive spa anymore.
@dizzyapple Do you think it can be done with crochet??? I'd love to see that, please let me know!
I don't think it can be done with crochet. Maybe for an expert crochetist. I am into beads making like beaded coin purse but I haven't tried incorporating beads into crochet.
That looks so cool and relaxing, I can imagine trying it!
It's also very beautiful.
I have a tiny pice of unpolished rose quartz, I keep it in one of my houseplants.
Thank you @shanibeer
This is just AMAZING! Definitely the first time I’ve seen or heard of anyone making such a mask like this. I can only imagine how great it feels on your skin.
Very amazing work @starjewel ~