Focus your needlework challenge
Hola comunidad Needlework, yo como todas supongo, trato siempre hacer fotos que muestren el producto y bueno a veces incluyo complementos, esta publicación la haré con estos tres muñecos, porque tengo fotos variadas de ellos que me gustaría compartir. Hello Needlework community, like all of you I suppose, I always try to take photos that show the product and well sometimes I include accessories, I will do this publication with these three dolls, because I have various photos of them that I would like to share
Para los que no los conocen, ellos son personajes de una tira animada llamada Mafalda, creada por un dibujante y escritor argentino conocido como Quino, los personajes en la foto son Manolito, Libertad y Mafalda. For those who don't know them, they are characters from an animated strip called Mafalda, created by an Argentine cartoonist and writer known as Quino, the characters in the photo are Manolito, Libertad and Mafalda
Estas primeras fotos las hice en mi patio, arregle una caja y una cobija para que sirviera de fondo, la iluminación natural ayuda mucho. I took these first photos in my patio, I arranged a box and a blanket to serve as a background, natural lighting helps a lot
Usualmente tomo fotos de mis muñecos usando como fondo una pared de mi casa que esta forrada de planos de ciudades, me gusta esa pared y siento que las fotos allí me identifican, al aparecer en mi mano también les da una escala al tamaño del muñeco, las personas pueden hacerse la idea del tamaño real del muñeco, que es algo difícil de lograr si el muñeco esta solo en una foto.I usually take photos of my dolls using a wall in my house that is lined with city maps as a background. I like that wall and I feel that the photos there identify me. When they appear in my hand, it also scales the size of the doll. people can get the idea of the real size of the doll, which is difficult to achieve if the doll is alone in a photo.
Tengo un libro que se llama "Todo Mafalda" tiene un compendio de todas las tiras cómicas de Mafalda, el libro es grande así que me sirvió para hacer estas fotos donde busque una animación para cada personaje. I have a book called "Todo Mafalda" it has a compendium of all the Mafalda comic strips, the book is big so it helped me to take these photos where I looked for an animation for each character.
Fuimos a una exposición de Mafalda, la visite dos veces y lleve mis muñecos conmigo y tome muchas fotos allí, hice una publicación de esos paseos si quieres visitarla abajo te dejo el enlace, en la exposición busque lugares especiales para colocar los muñecos y tomar las fotos.We went to a Mafalda exhibition, I visited it twice and took my dolls with me and took many photos there, I made a publication of those walks if you want to visit it below I leave the link, in the exhibition look for special places to place the dolls and take the photos
Exposición de mafalda, Visit Mafalda's exibition
Para mi planear un poco que quieres mostrar en la foto y saber con que elementos cuentas, hace mejores fotos, cabe destacar todas las fotos de esta publicación fueron tomadas con mi teléfono y la luz del espacio, artificial o natural, solo en las fotos de mi pared tengo una lampara cerca que direcciono para la foto. For me, to plan a bit about what you want to show in the photo and to know what elements you have, it makes better photos, all the photos in this publication were taken with my phone and the light of space, artificial or natural, only in the wall photos of I have a lamp near that I direct for the photo.
Esta es mi participación en un reto de la comunidad Needleworkmonday si quieres saber más te dejo el enlace de la publicación.This is my participation in a Needleworkmonday community challenge. If you want to know more, I'll leave you the link of the publication.
Info de la Foto / Photo info
- Autor / Author: Tahiaarq
- Cámara / Camera: Samsung Galaxy J8
- Locación / Location: Yagua Salvaje, Museo de Arte contemporáneo de Valencia, Carabobo, Venezuela
- Edición/ Edition: Picsart app
These are GREAT! Way to go @tahiaarq! I am super excited and impressed with the progress I see here today.
This photo with the dolls in front of the exhibit building would have made a great thumbnail/cover photo! Leading with an image like this would really intrigue your readers and get them more excited about what’s in store to see in your publication.
This was so genius to do…putting the dolls by their book characters! I absolutely love how you did these photos.
Then placing the dolls in various locations within the exhibit worked out really well too.
You showcased your work amazingly and you did such a great job on them btw.
Thank you for accepting this challenge and going all out with it. Your efforts are very visible and I know this will motivate others and give them even more ideas ~ 😃👏🏽🤗
Thank you!!
I really was thinking about the way I want to write, no the way to put a better photo first, what make more sense...I will think more...
Thank you!
My pleasure. My goal is always to put the most intriguing or engaging photo first (your best photo upfront). You want to try to draw your readers in and get them excited about seeing more. 😍
Really great photos for the Focus Your Needlework challenge, @tahiaarq ! I love how you've developed these characters - and then showing them in the expo is fun!
Thank you so much
que ternura es tu publicación, me gustaron todas las fotos el detrás de cámara, todo, te felicito mucho.
Gracias, Carolina.. un honor tu comentario
How not to remember the beautiful Mafalda, beautiful work, nice your photos.
Yay! 🤗
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Dios mío que preciosura de trabajo. Felicidades y éxitos 🤳❣️🌅
Gracias que lindo apoyo!!
@tahiaarq excelente trabajo 😍, muy inspirador, Saludos 🤗
Gracias, por la visita, el comentario y el apoyo