
I is really sad news that I wish I didn’t have to share. Awww thank you for that. Lol, half the time I don’t know if I’m coming or going. There’s never a dull
moment in our home.

This was truly an amazing journey here and I am so glad to have met you along the way. Keep doing those upcycle projects, they are quite impressive. I’ll miss commenting on your posts ~ 😘

Goodbye for now, take care. 🧡

Kisses and hugs!I hope you get this... I don't use discord that often because my internet connection, but you can find me on instagram @ideasvital @tahiairibarren my mom @fabiolarte(all instagram) should be my honor if you can fallow those accounts

Thank you so much for this information @tahiaarq. However, I am not on Instagram. I’m really not on any other social media sites other than Twitter and I only joined that for #posh and contests for Steem lol. I will definitely just check back in ever so often to see how everyone is doing and what you’ve been working on. No worries I won’t become a stranger!
