Another small project - a lining for a cosmetic bag

in NeedleWorkMonday5 months ago

Good Monday to all our creative community!!! I hope this week has been productive for you and that you are doing well!

I have been doing very little crafting lately. I can't find time for it in my schedule. So I decided to do at least very small projects that I can take with me wherever I go.

I ordered a funny cosmetic bag with a picture of a cat on Temu. When I received my order, I both liked and didn't like it. I liked the picture of the cat itself, but I didn't like that there was no lining. Because of this, the cosmetic bag didn't look very respectable. So I decided to sew the lining myself.

So I looked through my stash of fabric scraps and chose these two options: yellow and blue.

To be honest, it was hard for me to choose between them because I liked both options. In the end, I settled on blue. I think this color of the fabric refreshes the main pattern well.

Overall, this is a very easy project. Well, I thought so. First, I had to sew the side seams on the sewing machine. I did that easily.

And then the second stage is sewing by hand with a needle and thread - to connect the cosmetic bag with the lining. I did not want to sew through, but wanted the seam connecting the two parts not to be visible. To do this, I turned the cosmetic bag inside out and began sewing the lining to it.

You won't believe it, but it wasn't that easy as I sewed the lining on incorrectly several times. I took it with me to the sea when we went there and when I went on business.

I had to redo my work several times until I understood how exactly it should be sewn. In the end, I sewed one side.

The other side of the lining was very awkward to sew. So it took some time. But in the end I finished it.

Once again I am convinced that even seemingly simple sewing projects require attention and effort.

(all photos are taken by me)

Take care of yourself and be healthy!!!

 5 months ago  

That's good that you could make the lining for your cosmectic bag, I also like better with lining. Thanks so much for sharing your project ith us.

The final result is impressive. It is so beautiful and lovely. You did a wonderful job! Thank you for sharing this. Keep it up!