Decorating a denim skirt

in NeedleWorkMonday4 months ago

Good Monday to all our creative community!!! I hope this week has been productive for you and that you are doing well!

I already told you that I have a friend who loves shopping. She buys a lot of clothes and then gives me the extra ones for her. This time my friend gave me several skirts. Among them was a denim one.

I just love quality denim! Both trousers and jackets and skirts, so I was very happy. But when I put on this skirt, it turned out that it was above the knee for me. I don't like wearing skirts and dresses above the knee. This made me think about how to make the skirt longer.
Each of us has our own sources of inspiration. For me, it's Pinterest. I like looking at clothing models and their alterations there. I remembered that denim is often combined with other types of fabric and I really like it. I had the bottom part of an old skirt in reserve (the top part was unusable and I cut off and threw it away).

I attached it to a skirt and I liked how it looked together. I had a chance to try to do something that I often saw in others and that I admired.
I cut off the very bottom part from my old skirt piece and decided to sew it to the bottom of a denim skirt. My sewing machine is very weak and it is impossible to sew such a thick fabric on it, so I sewed by hand with a needle and thread.

This is exactly the kind of needlework when you can work while having a pleasant conversation. I was in no hurry, I was sewing for my own pleasure. My task was to sew it securely so that the fabrics would stick together firmly. In the end I got this skirt!

Honestly, I was delighted! I really liked how it looked!!! But then I got the idea to add a little decor at the top, so that the skirt would look more harmonious.

I chose the right pocket for this.

Here I also worked with my hands - I sewed with a needle and thread. It was fast.

At first I thought of making this addition to both pockets, but then I changed my mind and did not sew it on the left pocket. I liked leaving the addition only on the right one.

I thought the skirt looked more creative this way!

It's a really easy project but I absolutely love the result. I have a stunning, comfortable and super cool skirt.

I was once again convinced that for the manifestation of creativity, does not need too complex transformations. The simplest changes are enough. But how much pleasure it brings!!!!

(all photos are taken by me)

Take care of yourself and be healthy!!!


Wow, this is so amazing, it look beautiful and nice, thanks for sharing.

Thank you very much, my dear!

 4 months ago  

It is a great transformation, the skirt looks so pretty.

Thank you very much my dear! I am pleased

 4 months ago  

I love the transformation. It matches perfectly and looks good on you
Thanks for sharing.

I'm glad my dear that you liked my idea! thank you