My second project

in NeedleWorkMonday3 years ago

Good Monday to all our creative community!!! I hope this week has been productive for you and that you are doing well!
I liked how our girls wrote that they collect several projects and then sew it all on a sewing machine. Therefore, I decided to prepare another project for this stage: turning a white T-shirt into a bolero 💃😃

This is my white t-shirt. She is not old, but I feel uncomfortable in her because of the throat that is too closed with a cloth. So first you need to cut the T-shirt in front in the center.

Next, I cut off the edging at the neck.

Since the bolero is much shorter than my T-shirt, I decided to cut out a piece of the back bottom. If you want the bolero to be longer, this can be omitted. I personally like short boleros as I wear them in the summer when it is very hot in our country. My goal is just to cover my shoulders from the sun if I put on a sundress.

The next step I always want to avoid. It is necessary to bend the edge of the fabric so that a cord or ribbon can be passed through it. To be honest, I'm too lazy to first sew it with a needle and thread with my hands 🙈😁 But I have already learned from my mistakes that if I spend time on it, then later it will be easier for me to sew it on a sewing machine and the result will be much more accurate.

So I kicked my laziness and did it! 😁

So I have a few projects and now I can get my sewing machine out for the next step of sewing 😃
(all photos are taken by me)

Take care of yourself and be healthy!


You haven’t finished this yet but I am already amazed at how you just revamped this t-shirt into such a cute stylish bolero. It looks so cute! Now I’m wondering what t-shirts I can change. 😄

I love this Tali!

I am very happy, my dear! it's quite easy even for an inexperienced seamstress like me 🙈😃

I’m totally impressed!! 😃👏🏽

Думаю тебе очень будет комфортно в таком болеро. Удачи и быстрейшего завершения процесса.

спасибочки, дорогая! самой интересно, что получится 😃