Saving my jacket

in NeedleWorkMondaylast year

Good Monday to all our creative community!!! I hope this week has been productive for you and that you are doing well!

The last month has been difficult for me emotionally, so it has been difficult for me to do needlework. But I noticed that I was quite capable of small tasks, so I decided to do so. I have a very high quality sports jacket.

The problem was that it frayed in two places near the zipper.

To be honest, I felt sorry to throw away this jacket because it is very comfortable and of high quality. I started thinking about what could be done to fix this. There were several options: for example, a patch made of fabric, embroidery, a patch made of knitted fabric. I decided to go with the last option. The first thing was to choose the yarn.

The color of the jacket is black and the yarn I chose is also black with lurex thread. The photo, unfortunately, does not convey the black color correctly, so you will have to trust me that it looks more harmonious than in the photo. 😀🙈
The idea was to tie triangles and cover the worn areas with them. I chose a crochet hook instead of knitting needles.

I crocheted a triangle (it's very easy) and tied it around the perimeter with single crochets. That's all! Now my task is to carefully sew this to the jacket.

Crochet the second triangle in the same way.

In the photograph, the jacket looks gray and the patches are black. In fact, the patches are almost the same as the color of the jacket. They are identified by the presence of lurix thread in the yarn.
As a result, I received my jacket in an updated form with a design solution (well, in the role of designer, that’s me) 😁🙈

I am very glad that I was able to do at least something in needlework, even if it was a very small project. Sometimes you need to be able to agree with your inner state and help yourself go through difficult periods more comfortably by finding compromises.
(all photos are taken by me)

Take care of yourself and be healthy!!!


Действительно смотрится довольно эффектно! Ты просто молодчина!

спасибо, дорогая! жалко, очень классная куртка и так неудачно протерлась. на фотке цвет куртки не совсем корректно передается. она более темная и заплатки сильно не выделяются. только видны люриксовые нитки. а над чем ты работаешь сейчас?

Я пишу космический пейзаж, но в этот раз уж очень долго получается... Совсем нет вдохновения, как-то всё мрачновато в душе :-(

очень понимаю. сама с декабря в таком состоянии была. совсем ничего не хотелось. сейчас уже полегче, но с вдохновением пока сложновато

Often simple solutions are the best, this is your case,

many thanks!!!!!!