Hello community! I want to share with you my hobby, sewing. The love for sewing comes from my grandmother, then my mother and now me. Which is why I am sharing with you the shorts I made for my son today. Have our children grown up during this pandemic? Of course they have! My boy has almost nothing left, today looking for scraps of fabric, I got some so I decided to make him a super nice, simple, comfortable and sporty short.
Utilice una tela que en mi país la llaman “olímpica”, se usa mucho para hacer uniformes deportivos (como futbol), por su comodidad. No tenía elástica crochet que es la que uso para la cintura, así que tome una muy parecida que conseguí guardada entre tantas cosas. Un patrón tomado de otro short, hilo, máquina de coser recta y la overlock . Podemos prescindir fácilmente de la overlock, zigzag pequeño en nuestra maquina casera y listo.
I used a fabric that in my country they call "Olympic", it is used a lot to make sports uniforms (like soccer), because of its comfort. I didn't have crochet elastic, which is the one I use for the waistband, so I took a very similar one that I found among so many things. A pattern taken from another short, thread, straight sewing machine and the overlock. We can easily do without the overlock, small zigzag on our home machine and that's it.
Una vez cortada la tela con los moldes , uní los costados y, marque la elástica en cuatro partes, igual que en el short, luego cosí solo esas marcas, para unirlas al pantalón y así cuando estire la elástica me queda perfecto cada parte.
Once the fabric was cut with the molds , I joined the sides and, mark the elastic in four parts, the same as in the short, then I sewed only those marks, to join them to the pants and so when I stretch the elastic I get perfect each part.
Listo lo anterior, procedí a coser con la overlock la elástica al short, luego al voltear, hice tres costuras rectas, esto ayuda a que al lavar la elástica no se voltee y se ve bonito. Mi hijo quería un detalle, así que con la misma elástica, hice una especie de “X” (la cual cosí antes de cerrar el tiro). Una vez cerrado el tiro, hice el ruedo y listo. ¡Fácil, rápido y a mi hijo le encanta!
Then I proceeded to sew the elastic to the shorts with the overlock, and when turning, I made three straight seams, this helps the elastic not to turn over when washing and it looks nice. My son wanted a detail, so with the same elastic, I made a kind of "X" (which I stitched before closing the drawcord). Once I closed the drawcord, I made the hem and that was it - easy, quick and my son loves it!
Gracias por leerme, un abrazo. // Thank you for reading me, a hug.
Photos: myself with my redmi note 9.
Translation: www.deepl.com
Good idea to sew the elastic in place!
I liked the motif 🙂.
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Sería muy interesante que nos muestres más fotos del proceso de costura, para complementar tu explicación. A todos nos interesa mucho aprender de este tipo de tutoriales.Hola @yajamor, que bueno que puedas hacer uso de tus habilidades con la costura para hacerle ropa a tu hijo.
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Sewing is a pretty handy skill especially nowadays when we can't just easily go out to buy clothes.
My mom used to make me my very own walking shorts when I was young.
Very nicely done sports shorts.