Well, we've gone and done it today. There's officially no great theme that I can come up with here. Although, to be fair, it was never my intention to tie my different dreams together; it just kind of happened that way by nature for a few groups.
Anyway, there's not much to say about the dream featured above, but I remember it today like it just happened. I was flying over the streets in someplace that seemed like it might be in England. Sometimes when I fly in my dreams, it's more of a swimming-in-the-air type of experience, and this was the epitome of that sensation. The only thing different I have to note about this, was the amount of ground I could cover with a single stroke. I could meander along slowly, following the flow of traffic, but I could also take broad, forceful strokes that would instantly sling me across city blocks. The entire experience was exhilarating, and as with any flying dream, I woke up energized and ready to take on anything that came my way. ...did I mention I really like flying dreams? :)
There's no theme here, and in fact I don't think these two sets were all too close together in time; they just happened to be documented on adjacent pages. In this last dream, above and on the right, I remember hiding in/peering out of a cave. The cave was situated in a forest and was facing a river. The scenery was absolutely idyllic, gorgeous plant and wild life flourished as far as the eye could see. But then a man came running out of the beautiful forest. I could tell that, although he was alone, he had been separated from a larger group. Two giants came casually behind him, appearing to make no rush in their effort to catch up. Just as he ran into my plane of sight, they caught up with him and gore him with spears several times over. Somehow I knew they were going to eat him, but I could visually see that their repeated impaling of his corpse was just for fun.
When I woke, I instantly regretted that I didn't come out of the cave and introduce myself to them.
Have you ever had the chance to face a shadow in your dreams? Did you do it? If so, did you notice any changes that resulted in your waking life?
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