✦ I liked these photos very much, too bad they were lost many years ago, but at least I have this physical memory of them (On this occasion I did not use filters or editors so that the original color of the pages and photos of the magazine can be appreciated) ✦

🇪🇸 ~ ¡Buenas noches a todos! 🌙 ☕ ~ Hoy por fin pude tomarle fotos decentes a una revista que creí perdida. Durante mi tiempo en la universidad pude colaborar con estudiantes de Diseño Gráfico y Comunicación Social para algunos de sus trabajos finales e incluso para sus tesis.
🇺🇸 ~ Good night everyone! 🌙 ☕ ~ Today I was finally able to take decent photos of a magazine I thought was lost. During my time in college I was able to collaborate with Graphic Design and Social Communication students for some of their final papers and even for their theses.

✦ I had already participated before in university or college assignments through interviews on the subject of cosplay and manganime culture, also in interviews for internet blogs or FB pages, but this is the first time I was asked to participate in a print magazine project ✦

¿Cómo es eso?, bueno, algunos estudiantes basaban sus entregas o proyectos en cosas relacionadas con la cultura manganime, y me pedían ser parte de la muestra o colaborar de distintas maneras: A veces de manera presencial en la universidad utilizando Cosplay, otras veces prestándome para sesiones fotográficas, y algunas veces también siendo entrevistada.
How is that?, well, some students based their works or projects on things related to manganime culture, and they asked me to be part of the show or to collaborate in different ways: Sometimes in person at the university using Cosplay, sometimes by lending myself for photo shoots, and sometimes also by being interviewed.

✦ As you can see, since my early days in cosplay I was very enthusiastic about tutorials. Speaking of that I'm glad to see these records because I want to make that version of Hatsune Miku again (with that costume I participated in a group for a Cosplay contest and we won the first place, it's a trip that I remember with nostalgia and affection) ✦

De ese periodo de mi vida ya no tengo fotos o registros, todo eso lo perdí hace muchos años en las computadoras que se me fueron dañando, pero me quedan hermosos recuerdos porque fue un tiempo (2008/2012) en que ser Cosplayer y todo este tema del anime o del manga todavía estaba muy mal visto, había mucho rechazo de las personas o público en general, se tomaba esta subcultura como algo no más que un desequilibrio mental, inmadurez.
From that period of my life I no longer have photos or records, all that I lost many years ago in the computers that were damaging me, but I have beautiful memories because it was a time (2008/2012) when being Cosplayer and all this theme of anime or manga was still very frowned upon, there was much rejection of people or the general public, this subculture was taken as something no more than a mental imbalance, immaturity.

✦ @Vanuzza and I once did Dual Cosplay of Kuroshitsuji, she was very famous here for her Madame Red Cosplay ✦

Imagina mi felicidad al encontrar entre algunos viejos folios esta revista. Esta fue una "muestra" de lo que sería un proyecto de tesis de Diseñadores Gráficos acerca de una editorial o producción de una revista de temática sobre "Cosplay Regional" (por eso el nombre, que combina las palabras "cosplay + Zulia", nombre de nuestro estado).
Imagine my happiness to find among some old pages this magazine. This was a "sample" of what would be a Graphic Designers thesis project about an editorial or production of a "Regional Cosplay" themed magazine (hence the name, which combines the words "cosplay + Zulia", name of our state).

✦ Something that I really liked about this magazine project is that most of the sections were about tools to help or educate about the subject of Cosplay, and it was understandable both for those who know the subject and for people completely alien to this world ✦

Para este proyecto tomaron algunos artículos del blog que tenía activo durante esos años en la plataforma de FC2 (plataforma de blogueo japonesa aún existente), allí escribía acerca de los procesos de mis trajes y también compartía tutoriales, algo similar a lo que hago en Hive hoy en día.
For this project they took some articles from the blog I had active during those years in the FC2 platform (Japanese blogging platform still existing), there I wrote about the processes of my costumes and also shared tutorials, something similar to what I do in Hive nowadays.

✦ I think the team did a great job and with much joy I can tell you that everyone graduated and got good grades, if I remember correctly, the grade was almost perfect; I'm so glad I could be part of this... also walking around my university dressed in Cosplay was amazing! ✦

Las fotos utilizadas en esta revista fueron de distintos años y en distintas localidades (y tomadas por distintas personas). Por ejemplo las de Hatsune Miku versión "Love is War" fueron en Barquisimeto. Las fotos de Eiji de "Tennis no Ouji Sama" fueron en el penthouse de una amiga. Varias son durante eventos o viajes para visitar a otros amigos Cosplayers (Caracas y Barinas también).
The photos used in this magazine were from different years and in different locations (and taken by different people). For example those of Hatsune Miku version "Love is War" were taken in Barquisimeto. The photos of Eiji from "Tennis no Ouji Sama" were taken at a friend's penthouse. Several are during events or trips to visit other cosplayer friends (Caracas and Barinas too).

✦ Finding this magazine gave me a little extra joy. Lately the days have been grey for me and I'm not in my best mood, I try to think of positive things or entertain myself here at Hive after work ✦

Las fotografías de la portada, 2 donde utilizo la capucha de la capa y la de "el poster" fueron tomadas en una sesión de fotos organizada por los tesistas. También participaron otros Cosplayers y lo recuerdo como una ocasión muy especial, porque no se trataba de un concurso o de un evento, esto era algo que tenía que ver con un aspecto tan importante de la vida como lo puede ser tu título universitario.
The photographs of the cover, 2 where I wear the hood of the cape and the one of "the poster" were taken in a photo session organized by the thesis students. Other Cosplayers also participated and I remember it as a very special occasion, because it was not a contest or an event, this was something that had to do with such an important aspect of life as your university degree can be.
antes de todo el tema de tener que emigrar.Encontrar esta revista ha desencadenado en mí una serie de cálidos recuerdos, fue cuando conocí @Vanuzza y empezamos a pasar más tiempo juntas, a ir a eventos en dúo; también estaba muy involucrada en el tema de los concursos y mi grupo de amigos aún estaba completo,
before the whole issue of having to emigrate.Finding this magazine has triggered in me a series of warm memories, it was when I met @Vanuzza and we started spending more time together, going to events as a duo; I was also very involved in the contesting thing and my group of friends was still complete,
Es una lástima que el proyecto no haya avanzado más. Hasta el sol de hoy en Venezuela no existe algo así como una revista en físico (ni digital) que trate el tema del Cosplay, tampoco tenemos calendario Cosplayeril como lo tienen otros países. Pero son ideas que creo que pueden plantearse hoy día para ver quien las retoma. Hasta más tarde ~ 🌌
It is a pity that the project has not advanced more. To this day in Venezuela there is no such thing as a physical magazine (or digital) that deals with the subject of Cosplay, nor do we have calendar Cosplayeril as other countries have. But these are ideas that I think can be raised today to see who takes them up. See you in a few hours, happy weekend! 🌌

🍓 All texts and images by @Tesmoforia ✦ Translation: Deepl ✨
🚨 ¡Please do not take, edit or republish my material without my permission! 🚨
💌 ¿Do you wish to contact me? [email protected] 💌
🌙 Banner, signature and separators by Keili Lares 🌙

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Hola por aquí @zonadigital21 Yas! La verdad si es un recuerdo muy bonito, lamento casi que todos los días la perdida de tantos años de fotos y procesos, pero esta revista es un pequeño y preciado consuelo ❤️🩹
Que de tiemposssss, aún recuerdo con cariño ese día en que se realizó la muestra de la tesis y la sesión de fotos toda precious!!! We need more projects and pictures together!! ♥ ♥ ♥ Me encanta volver a ver imagenes de esta revista once again ; v ; ♥ ♥ ♥
BAOBEI! No way amo que vieras esto 💘 💘 💘 ¿Tú tendrás por casualidad las fotos de tu Cosplay de esa ocasión? ¿Te quedo alguna? Recuerdo fuiste de Alichino -bless- Te extraño mucho por aquí :(