I'd just go ahead and turn off your computer. The OS's are a bit more forgiving then they were back in the day. At least from the Microsoft side of things. You likely won't end up with a BSoD if you restart now. I just realized I am going to be out of town this weekend, so I likely won't be able to attend at all. I am a bit bummed.
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It did finish the non-update eventually. I've had work PCs sit there forever until I give up and reboot. They seem to recover.
Shame you can't be at Hivefest. It should be fun.
Yeah, it was fun watching some of the speakers last year. I wonder if there are going to be any huge announcements dropping this year. I am sure plenty of people will be writing about it! I hope you get feeling better. Just gave your latest episode a listen.
I expect there will be a few surprises. There's going to be a lot of people there.