ATTN Fellow Podcasters: Now Is The Time To Begin NaPodPoMo Prep

in NaPodPoMo6 months ago

Once September rolls around my focus shifts to National Podcast Post Month. Getting the FB group back into active mode from its year long dormant state. Updating the headers. Can you believe this year marks 17 years of the global 30-day challenge?

NaPodPoMo Community here on Hive and of course creating promotional content to get the word out.Dusting off the #NaPodPoMo hashtag on all the socials. Reactivating the

Which brings us to the video at the start of this post. I've made quite a few of these over the years. So it's nice to be able to remix some of these to make them fresh and new. I'll be in the studio to record and livestream in the coming days to remind folks that November is fast approaching and now is the time to begin prep work for the NaPodPoMo.

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

I look forward to this time of year because of the wonderful community that comes together to support one another as we stretch our podcasting skillsets with new tech or new shows or first time shows. The mix of new and seasoned podcasters in full on experimental mode is like nothing else I've experienced.

Join Us!

YouTube.So, if you are hearing about National Podcast Post Month for the first time, I invite you to visit, look up the #NaPodPoMo hashtag on all the socials, and take a look at past informational videos on

Stay Tuned

Look for a NaPodPoMo 101 Workshop in late October for both first-time and seasoned podcasters. It's an interactive session meant to be more of a conversation than a broadcast. More details coming soon.


Thank you! :-)
