Hutchison Effect: High Frequency Radio Waves Cause Water to Foam Up

in MES Science16 hours ago (edited)

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In this video I have posted the 2007 Hutchison Effect plastic boat experiment and condensed it in half to highlight the super high frequency 7 GHz radio waves causing the water to vibrate chaotically until it literally froths up into an all encompassing foam. The plastic warship and the aluminum Red Bull can are also thrown around aggressively, and several times spark up into fumes. I asked John Hutchison about the temperature of the water and boat, and he said both of them were of normal temperature and neither gave off any significant heat. Fascinating stuff!

Plastic Boat Foaming.JPEG

Links to videos used and more info


  • 2007 footage of plastic boat floating on water inside a container with a Red Bull can: 0:00
  • Fumes, sparks, and electrical fire occur when Red Bull can contacts plastic boat: 0:07
  • Water vibrating and jumping, and plastic boat and can start moving: 0:32
  • More fuming from the same spot on the boat: 0:56
  • Misty fog appears: 1:30
  • Close up view of the boat and can. Super chaotic water vibrations and water jumping or levitating, then frothing up. Spark gap bursts of light appear (spark gap not shown): 2:52
  • Water foaming / frothing has reached a maximum: 12:06
  • Mist / fog appears again: 12:18

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