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RE: Apparently Pickles Are Actually Light Bulbs!

in MES Science4 years ago

I learned this from a 1000 ways to die episode years ago where apparently a retired science educator broke the filament of a lamp fixture and placed the pickle there instead and one of the caretakers grabbed the pickle and got electrocuted.

I am skeptical of whether that would actually happen as I am pretty sure a majority of the current would continue to pass through the intended path and thus unless a heart condition was present then there shouldn't have been a risk of major electrocution... However even then I don't think enough of the current would pass through his body.

Point is, I knew that pickles would light up due to watching a morbid show when I was younger

 4 years ago  

haha awesome! I had seen a few episodes of that show too back in the day as well. Was quite the show lol