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RE: Setting up a blacksmithing workshop at home: Part 1 gearing up

in Build-It4 years ago

damn that some transformation of rail track into anvil setting blacksmithing workshop at home is pretty cool and use for DIY projects.
I wish to set an all-purpose workshop for house repair and DIY projects ...
I hope you recommend me some of the equipment thanks in advance waiting for part 2

enjoy you blacksmithing


The tools you need will depend on the work you want to do. The basic to have would be:

  • a drill with drill bits and screw bits
  • a hammer
  • a circular saw

what is circular saw is it different from ordinary saw?

Circular saw:


That’s the one

A circular saw is a type of electric saw. It’s very versatile and can get many work done. But it’s very powerful and needs to be used with care.

One less powerful saw, if you prefer something a bit more gentle, is a jigsaw but it’s harder to cut straight with it.

You can of course buy hand powered tools but you will spend much less time with power tools.