Buen día familia de Hive, hoy quiero compartir con ustedes como realizar una jabonera de baño.
Good morning Hive family, today I want to share with you how to make a bath soap dish.
Envase de plástico
Plastic Packaging
Lo primero que haremos para realizar nuestra jabonera es marcar conel marcador lo que vamos a cortar.
The first thing we will do to make our soap dish is to mark with the marker what we are going to cut.
Luego con e la cúter hacemos una pequeña abertura para luego proceder a cortar la tijera lo marcado anteriormente.
Then with the cutter we make a small opening and then proceed to cut the scissors as previously marked.
De esta manera con el marcador y una tapa hacemos pequeños óvalos.
In this way with the marker and a lid we make small ovals.
Procedemos a cortar lo marcado, para darle mejor vista a nuestra jabonera.
We proceed to cut the marked, to give our soap dish a better view.
Ahora con algo redondo una tapa o un vaso haremos un círculo en la parte de arriba de la jabonera y cortamos, ya que en esa parte la usaremos para guindar o sujetar en cualquier parte de nuestro baño.
Now with something round a lid or a glass we will make a circle on the top of the soap dish and cut, since in that part we will use it to hang or hold in any part of our bathroom.
Para finalizar con el pincel y la pintura hice unos puntos para darle más vista y le hacemos unos huequitos en la parte de abajo.
To finish with the brush and paint I made a few points to give it more view and we make a few holes in the bottom.
Y de esta manera tenemos nuestra creativa y práctica jabonera.
And in this way we have our creative and practical soap dish.
Nota: Decoración a cada gusto Familia.
** Note: ** Decoration to every taste Family.
Wow!! Great invention and a brilliant way to upcycle. The colours are beautiful.
Congrats on being currated by @curangel and @romeskie! I was lucky to be chosen as well, so i am taking the time to read and upvote all others chosen to say thanks.