Hello hive friends, how are you? Today I bring you a Hive jewelry box with popsicle sticks, something easy to make, practical and simple. I hope you like it.
-65 paletas de colores
-Pega blanca
-Foami rojo escarchado
-Foami blanco
-Lápiz crayón.
-65 color palettes
-White glue
-Red frosted Foami
-White Foami
-Crayon pencil.
Paso 1: Primero creamos la base pegando 10 paletas de forma horizontal, luego pegamos 10 paletas de los cuatro lados del cuadro hacia arriba.
Step 1: First we create the base by gluing 10 pallets horizontally, then we glue 10 pallets from the four sides of the four upwards.
Paso 2: Procedemos a realizar la tapa de nuestro cofre pegando las paletas de manera intercaladas de abajo hacia arriba organizandolas desde una estructura grande hasta una pequeña en forma de piramide. Realizamos el logo hive, lo recortamos y lo pegamos a nuestra tapa.
Step 2: We proceed to make the lid of our chest by gluing the pallets in an intercalated way from bottom to top, arranging them from a large structure to a small pyramid-shaped one. We make the hive logo, cut it out and glue it to our lid.
This is my final result, I hope you liked it.